Chapter 16

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Move closer. Much closer.

Move faster. Much faster.




Eren launched himself off of the wall, body moving like a bullet from a gun, aimed straight at the colossal's neck.

Not again. Never again.

"Fast!" he screamed, tear drops spiralling through the air behind him like a comet trail.

It wasn't going to happen again. He wouldn't let it! He-

He was already too late. Deep down inside, he knew it. He had felt the thrumming ache of the ravaged rocks and had heard the screaming shudders of stone torn from stone. But at that moment he couldn't think of that. All he could think of was bringing his blades through that thing's neck.

Then steam billowed up once more, curling up around Eren's body in an instant, obscuring his vision.

"No!!" He screamed as he desperately brought his blades through the empty fog.

Furious tears streamed down his face, dripping over twitching lips and clenched teeth as he shot his gear towards the wall, anchoring himself into place.

If I had been there. If I hadn't been so weak against my - if I hadn't moved-

"Eren! Eren are you okay?!"

-I would have been able to do it. Why was I so weak to such a foolish thing? Why did I move from that place and-?!


Eren started and looked up to see wide blue eyes staring down at him, framed with a golden halo of hair.

"Eren, are you alright?!" Armin shouted.

"...N- I- I am fine. We go now!"

It was madness everywhere as they made their way through the city.

People scrambled over each other, pushing and shoving in their rush to move, to flee, to Just. Get. Out.

For a while it was all noise and confusion and the cloying smell of urine and fear. But then a hush fell over the screaming city; it was almost silent.

There was still the odd piercing cry and horrified wail but for the most part it was quiet. All there was was the loud beat of running feet on the ground, echoing through the city as the people steadily and determinedly made their seemingly futile escape.

It was so much more than the small group of cadets could stand as they made their way through the city, flying on the cusp of that long breath before the plunge.

By the time they got to the supply depot and gave their shaking reports, Thomas could barely stand, Sasha was quaking with shivers and Armin was...

Well- Armin wasn't doing so good.

"I-it went for the cannons! And it didn't take out the gate by accident, either! It does have intelligence!" He hissed through shivering lips, hands trembling as he tried to get his gas tank filled.

"Are you okay, Armin?" Eren asked, his own hands steady as they reached to help his friend in his task.

Armin jerked his hands back, frowning down at the small, slender digits then looking up at Eren with wide eyes.

"I-I'm fine! I'll calm down soon enough! Still, this is bad! We don't have the technology to quickly seal an eight-meter-high hole!" Armin looked back at his shivering hands, trying once again to fill the canister. "And we never did manage to unearth that big rock near the front gate! Unless we seal the hole, this city's as good as lost! It's only a matter of time until Wall Rose is breached! In fact, if they ever feel like it, they can pretty much wipe out humanity anytime they want!"

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