Chapter 12

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Corporal Levi stared through the multitude of soldiers and trainees as they desperately scrambled out of his way, barging past each other as if they were trying to outrun a horde of fucking Titans.

He was not in a bad mood.

Really he wasn't.

He had no fucking clue why everyone around him seemed to think he was.

"Corporal Levi, Sir!" One of the braver brats barked out, clipping his shoes together as he stretched his back out and puffed out his chest in the military salute.

Levi tried not to curl his lip in disgust as he noticed the faint soup stains on the cuffs of his shirt.

Obviously his attempt did not work as the cadet seemed only to grow more and more nervous in the long silence, sweat beading on his tanned brow.

Levi felt the faint whispers of the soldiers around them, now at what they felt was a safe distance as they watched the scene before them with macabre interest.

"Tch... let's get this over with," Levi muttered, waving at the ridiculously tall boy to lead on.

As they walked through the camp Levi observed the new cadets freeze and watch their progress.

Fuck he didn't want to be doing this shitty inspection. He didn't want to be here full stop. He wanted to be back at the headquarters, training his squad or continuing with the project.

The bloody project which was probably why he was out at this training camp right now.

Damn Erwin and his 'concerns'. He wasn't obsessed, thank you ever so fucking much. If anyone should be sent out for fresh air it should be shitty glasses. They hadn't once stopped looking at those bizarre samples they preserved (hell knows when Hanji even had the time to do that.) He swore they even slept with the damn things.

Hanji hadn't left that bloody lab of theirs to do anything but eat for more than a year now. Not even to bathe!

In the end Levi couldn't take it anymore and threw two buckets of soapy water over their head hoping it would reduce the shit stink.

All it got him was trouble in the form of an irritable, big-eyebrowed commander.

So here he was, touring the training grounds and watching snot nosed children jump off of trees.

Levi wasn't in a bad mood. He was in a fucking awful mood.

"Ah Corporal Levi," greeted Instructor Shadis as Levi entered one of the crude buildings to see a hollow looking man nod carefully at him.

Levi's surprise at Shadis's appearance didn't visibly register on his face. He kept his eyes cool and calculating as they swept over the man's ragged frame.

"Shadis," he returned with an unperceivable nod, eyes now turning to his petrified escort who seemed to be sweating buckets now.

"What kid? You wanna go shit? Don't need my permission," he drawled, waving his hand at the dark haired brat who seemed to melt in relief at the unusual dismissal.

"Interesting escort," Levi said as they both watched him try not to run as he left.

Shadis didn't comment on this, instead walking through an open door to what appeared to be his office and taking a seat.

"Tea?" He asked Levi, offering a cup and teapot.

Levi looked at the cup blankly, there was a small brown stain on the inside of the lip.

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