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jade's pov

i was so tired today at school. of course,me and my dad had a fight of how perrie is no good for me and how i should make more friends other than the girls. i don't understand what he sees wrong in perrie. she is so important to me.

perrie wasn't today at school,the doctor said that she would be able to go home in 2 days.

"earth to jade" leigh anne says waving her hand in front of my face

"what were you thinking about?" jesy asks me

"perrie" i say without hesitate,they already know the big crush i have on her

"you really love her,don't you?" lee says

"wel..yes. but i know she doesn't,and that she isn't bisexual,so it couldn't work" i sigh

"hey..,everything will be fine. jerrie is real" jesy says holding my right hand while we were walking to our lockers

"jerrie? what's that?" i ask

"well,your ship name,silly" leigh anne laughs

"do we really have a ship na-"

"see you got a new girlfriend,Thirlwall" rebecca says

rebecca is the most popular girl in this school. she practically bullies everyone who isn't that popular. she has long blone hair. and,of course,she has 2 "friends" that follow her everywhere,Rena and Lilly.

"save it rebecca" leigh speaks for us

"i wonder what perrie's gonna say when i tell her about you two" rena says laughing

"first of all,me and perrie are not dating. and she would not believe you anyways." i say grabbing leigh's hand and walk away.

"hey,are we fine?" jesy asks me concerned

"yes,sure! i won't let those chicks ruin our friendship" i say and i hug her,but lee joins too


i walk out from my last class,spanish. i hate these AP classes,i don't even know why i am in one.

anyways,now i am going to the hospital to see perrie. i miss her so much,even tho the last time i saw here was yesterday.

i open the door of the salon where perrie was,and she gave me a huge smile.

"jade! you came!" she sounded so happy

"how could i not?" is say laughing at her childish behaviour

we talked about bunch of stuff. as music and that english project we need to do. after 2 hours,i was going home.


"jade what did i say about being home right after school?" dad yells at me

"dad,perrie is in the hospital! she was hit by a car! i need to be by her side!" i yell back

"i said that you are not allowed to see that girl anymore,jade! i know what's good for you. i am your dad"

"well,i am grown now. i can take care by myself. and i know what's good for me or not" i say running to my room

i don't understand why dad is so against me being friends with perrie. he met perrie when we first move here. he wants me to be friends only with jesy and leigh anne,and he hasn't even met them. i need to know why he doesn't like her.


ok hope u like it!
sorry there isn't much action or if the chapter is boring,i need to work on that.
bye and thanks for reading this!

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