thirty seven

466 8 2

Jade's pov

I woke up with a huge stomach ache,which is a normal thing due to not eating in 3 days. I didn't care about the bullies calling me names or stuff like that,but when they made me fat it really affected me. I didn't knew the exact reason,but I think that our generation wasn't learned to love themselves the way they are. For me,the word fat was an insult.

I eventually bring myself to eat an apple so that my stomach wouldn't hurt that bad. I am meeting with Jed im 5 minutes,so,I quickly changed and opened my front door,where Jed was standing in front of.

"What are you doing here? We were suppose to meet-"

"I knew you were late. You always come 5 minutes early." He cut me off

I just laugh,while grabbing my backpack and leaving the house.


While we were walking down the hallways,the word that I hated the most. Fat. It hit me like a bullet. I started walking faster,forgetting about Jed that was on my left

"Jade,calm down. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met." His words made my heart beat faster.

I started to question myself. Do I like Jed? He was cute and very caring,I really don't understand why he would spend to much time with me. Everytime he would look at me I instantly started smiling. Same for him. Maybe I have feelings for Jed. What's wrong about that? I kinda moved on from Perrie,even if sometimes I still miss the feeling I had while kissing her.

English class passed by real quick. The bell rang,and to my surprise Jed was standing there,waiting for me. As soon as he saw me,he waved.

"Hi sleeping beauty." He hugs me,and I see 2 girls behind him,laughing.

I slowly walk up to them,until I see exactly who they were. Leigh Anne and Jesy. I run to them and as soon as they saw me,they gave me a tight hug. I smiled,for real this time.

"I missed you so much,girl!" Jesy says,patting my shoulder

"I did too! Where were you?" I ask them.

"We went on a trip with the geography teacher. It was amazing! But,how are things going for you?" I was so afraid of that question. I wasn't in a good position right now to talk about what happened between me and Perrie. Even if they know most of the story,I wasn't comfortable talking about it.

"Worse...but now I have Jed. He is really sweet." I say looking at him and smiling.

"Don't tell me you like him!" Lee was looking at me with wild eyes

"Sleepover. My house. 8pm. Don't be late. See ya!" Jesy hugged me and left before I got the time to say what I was thinking about this sleepover.

"How was it? Talking to your lost in time friends?" Jed laughs and I punch him,but he didn't feel a thing.

"I'm having a sleepover at Jesy's tonight!" I say,jumping around.


After grabbing my stuff from my house,I got into Jed's car,because he was giving me a lift to Jesy's house.

"Here we are. Be careful,okay?" Jed says while looking at me

"I will be. But,can I ask you a question?" I say,at this point not knowing how he would react.

"Sure,go ahead." He looked straight in my eyes.

"Why are you so caring about me? I mean,I am not that important."

"You might not see it,but you are very important to me,I am serious when I say this. You only deserve to be surrounded by happiness. I care about you..because..I love you Jade." Jed seemed so tense that it made me feel bad that I asked him that.

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