Chapter 36

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After successfully reuniting Team Flash and the Allen family, Barry and Emely sped back into their time and informed the team what happened. 

"How far?"

"8 years from now. We needed to figure out who Savitar was."

"Did you?"

Emely shook her head. "No. But we did get some help from Future Barry. He told us who made the trap for Savitar. If we can find her now, then she can make the trap and we can stop Savitar and save Iris."

"Did you learn anything about Caitlin?"

"We learned a lot of things about everyone."

"But what about Caitlin?"

Emely sighed. "She alligns herself with Savitar. We don't know why, but I do know that we need to find her before she does."

"All right, I'll get to CCPD."

Joe walked out and Barry went after him, and Iris waited for Barry by the entrance to the Cortex. Emely walked over to the medical bed and Cisco followed. 

"What'd you see while you were there?"

"A lot of things I wish I hadn't. I learned what happens to you guys, Barry and I. Team Flash. Caitlin. Things that I wish would've been left a mystery."

"But hey, at least we got a lead."

Emely nodded. "That's true."

"We'll find Savitar."

"And save Iris."


"Her name is Tracy Brand."

The next morning, the team began to learn about the woman who was able to trap Savitar into the Speed Force.

"She's one of the world's top theoretical physicists, you know, or she will be."

"No kidding. Girl Scout earns her merit badges. 2021 Nobel Prize, Copley Medal, presidential commendation."

"She's a genius, but what's that to us?"

 Emely glanced at Joe. "She's the key to stopping Savitar. Future Barry said that in four years from now, Dr. Brand invents the technology that traps Savitar in the Speed Force."

"Four years too late."

"Yeah, but if she invents it now before Iris dies, we can trap him and save Iris."

"She could be working on the prototype now."

"That's exactly right, so we should find her."


Cisco and HR walked over to the computers and Julian expressed his concern for Caitlin, but Emely zoned out and thought about the future and Barry noticed. 

"Hey," he whispered to her, "what's going on through that pretty little head of yours?"

"The future."

Barry gave her a look. "That's not going to happen to us. Or to Team Flash."

"I'm going home."

Emely went home after visiting Hunter at his place and seeing the twins who were in Lydia's care. 

"You don't have to take care of them all the time, Lydia. I can take them home with me."

"Nonsense, Emely. I don't mind taking care of them for you. It's like they're my own children."

Emely gave Lydia a hug and went back home and sighed as she sat down on the couch. Barry, Cisco, and HR went to talk to Tracy but Killer Frost interrupted the conversation. That night, Barry came home to Emely cooking some dinner. 

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