The Guild Hall.. Quiet??!

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Its the end of the day, the last rays on sun shining through the guild hall windows, showing a nearly empty Fairy Tail. Almost all of the mages are out in a job, or back at their respective homes.

All the tables are empty, most of the chairs atop of them, ready for 'closing time' (although the guild is always open to its wizards).

Its quiet, for once.

Mira stands alone, humming softly to herself as she busies herself with the dishes.

"Why are you always so damn nice?" A gruff voice asks behind her.

"Huh?" The white haired beauty turns around, to see none other than Laxus, standing on the other side of the counter, glaring at her... in a peculiar way. More like he's trying to read her, rather than glare her down.

"Laxus," she exclaims, offering her usually cheery smile "I didn't hear you come in."
He grunts in response, and after a moment of awkward silence, Mira resumes doing the dishes.

She hears a sigh, and then, to her surprise, Laxus is suddenly beside her, diving his hands into the soapy water.
"What are you-" she starts, but he sighs and cuts her off.
"You don't have to do that." He says, rolling his eyes at her surprised look, as he begins to wash a plate. "You're always doing shit for other people. Tending the bar, makin' food, and cleaning up, too. Someone oughtta help you out."

She watches him for a minute, a smile stretching across her lips.
He glances at her out of the corner of his eye, looking a little annoyed and trying to hide the pink tone of his cheeks.

"I said I'd help ya, not do it myself." He mutters gruffly, causing her to laugh.

"Thank you, Laxus." She says, as they continue the dishes in companionable silence.

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