01 | doodle

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"Dalia Estanol, just the person I wanted to see!"  I glance up from my computer screen to see a grinning coworker

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"Dalia Estanol, just the person I wanted to see!"  I glance up from my computer screen to see a grinning coworker.

"Uh...hi?" I said furrowing my eyebrows at the smiling person in front of me. Okay I'm not mean it's just rare when someone talks to me at work. I tend to keep to myself. Alright that's not entirely true I do have to talk to Miss. Syers who is the person who hired me to help her out. She's kind of an ass if I'm completely honest. You see I work as an amazingly exciting job as a personal assistant to the owner of this product company. Wow such an amazing use of my cinematography masters degree.

Call it a waste of time but it's what I wanted to get a degree in. But I've been stuck in this job, running errands, making calls, planning meetings. It just feels so boring.

"Dalia..." Jeremy said his weird grin slowly falling off his face.  I blinked at him and bit my lip nervously. Shit I forgot he was still here. Clearing my throat I offer him a polite smile that I'm pretty sure that looks like a grimace.

"Miss. Syers wanted you in her office." I shoot up out of my chair; it goes rolling far behind me. Jeremy looks taken aback as I rush to the other side of the building. Yes I'm her only personal assistant, and yes she put my desk on the opposite end of the building as her. Like I said kind of an ass.

I rush past people with stacks of paper no doubt other underpaid and overworked assistants. The clicking of my heels echo down the long dreaded hallway to Miss. Syers's office room. I've walked this corridor more times then I can count, with one wall covered in windows and the other with tiny cubicles, it's like a second home to me.

Stopping outside of Miss. Syers's door I smoothed my pencil skirt and knock on the door. A very uptight sounding voice calls back saying to come in. Taking a deep breath to calm my erratic heartbeat, I pushed open the door.

Miss. Syers in all her intimidating glory sat behind her large desk. The floor length windows covered by a thick curtain behind her made me gulp involuntarily. She only draws them when she doesn't want the people in the courtyard behind her spying in on her office. For example during important meetings and when she fires someone. She at least has the common decency to keep that private.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked making sure to keep all the nerves out of my voice. Miss. Syers is like a wolf, she can smell fear.

"It has been brought to my attention, let's say anonymously, that you are quite talented in photoshop" she said crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes at me. I nodded without hesitation. She gestured to the much smaller chair across from her. I walked over quickly shutting the door behind me.

"Hmm so it's not a rumor" she murmured drumming her right hand against her left arm. She looked up for a moment then looked back at me.

"I have a proposition for you. I need someone to take over my marketing branch, of course that someone needs to be talented in photoshop, creative, have a fine arts degree no doubt, and able to get the job done" she trailed off making my eyes widened. I've been working for this company since I was still in collage. I'm 21 with a degree in cinematography and I'm finally catching my break. Who knew it'll be Miss. Syers to give it to me.

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