02 | protest

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"So you two are old college friends?" The women who walked in with Amy, who I know now is named Kathryn, said looking from me to the pink haired woman

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"So you two are old college friends?" The women who walked in with Amy, who I know now is named Kathryn, said looking from me to the pink haired woman. Amy nodded, smiling I no doubt was doing the same.

"It's been three years you suck at keeping in touch" I said crossing my arms pretending to be angry at her. Amy laughed and snuggled more into the seat across from me. She took a sip of her tea and grimaced.

"Not nearly as good as coffee" she said to Kathryn making her roll her eyes while smiling.

"Well, you're one to talk Miss. I'm-a-hippie-so-I-don't-believe-in-phones" Amy said making me laugh and cringe. I went through a phase my years after high school. I used to go to protests and shout my beliefs. I shook my head and sighed.

"I can't believe I used to do that" I said covering my face with my hand. Kathryn laughed and took a sip from her own tea.

"This is so weird. You look the same but so different it's just so odd" Amy said picking at a loose thread on her jumper sleeve. I nodded and glanced at my closed laptop that I pushed to the side. The girls followed my eyes and exchanged glances.

"I never asked what are you doing here this late?" I said and Kathryn immediately paled. She pulled out her phone and started typing. Amy grimaced again and looked back at me.

"We're doing an all-nighter to plan for this thing. We were supposed to get coffee for everyone working on the project but the Starbucks nearest us is closed at this time. So we googled it and here we are to get our caffeine fix" she moved her hands around as she talked and finally sighed.

"I guess we gotta get going it was nice meeting you Dalia" Kathryn said pocketing her phone. Amy slid hers to me.

"If you still don't have a phone I'm quitting" she said making me laugh. I quickly made myself a contact and passed it back.

"Bye Dalia" they called as they left the store. I waved and after they were out of sight slammed my head onto the table.

It's three AM, I have about four hours of work to complete and I have to be at work by six AM.

Oh boy.

"Want me to brew a bigger kettle?" TeChana said from the kitchen. I looked up from the table and nodded glumly.

Mr. Obino gave me a pitiful look as he wiped down the counter. I glanced at my laptop.

It's unfair for me to stay here all night he closes after I leave. Even though it was an 'open 24 hours' store no one came it after I left.

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