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This past week haven't been that bad

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This past week haven't been that bad. My sister and mom have been giving me many sympathetic phone calls. I stopped answering for a hour because I was taking a bath and the amount of missed calls I'd gotten, you would've thought someone had died. Which is a thing that's been on my mind for a while, did my family that if they left me alone I would do something rash?

I'm unhappy with my life, it wouldn't take Einstein to figure that out, but I wouldn't go that far. Never in a million years would I even try. Was I really that fragile in the eyes of my family, did they really see me as weak?

A loud crash snapped me out of my thoughts and I jumped up from my chair. Someone cussing loudly followed the crash but then silence. I tiptoed around my table, covered in wires and papers, and peaked through the window. No one was outside except for a few birds. I let out a shaky breath as I crouched on my carpet and the heat from my lungs covered the corner of the window I was looking through.

A knock on the door made me jump and I scrabbled to answer it. Quickly smoothing out my shirt and running my hand through my hair I flung open the door.

"Desmond?" I said breathless as I stared at my old roommate. He gave me an awkward smile and rubbed his arms.

"Uh hey Dalia" He looked around quickly, almost paranoid. "Can I come in?"

I nodded, still gob smacked by his presence. Opening the door wider, I took a step back and he rushed inside. Desmond looked around the apartment that he used to call home for a few seconds. It's been months since I heard a peep from him then all out of nowhere he's on my door stop. I quickly composed myself, shut the door, and rushed around, trying to clean the huge mess that is my home. He made his way past me into the 'living room' part of the flat. It's in quotations because the place is a studio and there isn't really a thing that divides each room. Plopping down into the seat farthest from the door, I smiled from the kitchen. We both had 'designated' seats and that was his, Desmond hasn't sat there in almost 5 months.

"Why are you here Desmond?" I asked standing in front of him, a rag draped over my shoulder, my arms crossed. He sighed and ran a hand down his face. Looking anywhere then into my eyes and sighed again.

"I think I should tell you what happened all those months ago" I nodded and reluctantly sat on the couch seat next to him. Propping my chin in my hand, I eagerly waited for him to start talking


Desmond's P.O.V

I ran my hands through her hair and tugged her closer. The early morning sun peaked through the blinds which sadly woke me up. The girl in my arms snuggled closer to me and sighed happily.

Lifting my body off her bed I glanced around for an alarm clock. 6:34. Settling back into the bed I ran my hands through her hair and kissed her face gently. First her ear that was showing through her curtain of brown hair, then her cheeks, nose, eyelids. She stirred and opened her eyes staring into mine with a sense of annoyance.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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