Chapter 6: What Year Is It?

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Sunlight streams in through the blinds waking Dean from a deep sleep. How late is it? He thinks while checking the bedside table for the clock, only to realize it's been shattered, which is strange because he doesn't remember it being like that after Sam called. In fact a lot of things are different. The bed he was sleeping in no longer has sheets or even pillows. The wallpaper is peeling off the walls, and the blinds aren't really blinds anymore, more like a mangled mess.

Dean walks over to the window to find a deserted street. Litter clutters the road and graffiti the walls. Looking closer he notices the words "Croatoan" in big brush strokes on the wall across the street.

Quickly he pushes himself away from the window, looking around for his phone but to no avail. None of his belongings were anwhere in sight, glancing out the window again he looks down at the street looking for baby, but she's gone as well.

Running out of the motel and into the abandoned street he continues to run looking for anything familiar. He finds himself in an alley and stops. Three men stand at the other side of the alley, just noticing Dean. They can smell it on him, the human scent. One of them let's out a blood curdling growl and the three men take off aiming at Dean.

Completely unarmed Dean takes off in the other direction. He continues to run until he finds a chain linked fence with a sign, facing the other direction, attached to it. He quickly hopps the fence praying the three men won't be able to follow.

Soldiers and their tanks appear seemingly out of nowhere, gunning down the infected men behind the fence. Dean ducks down to avoid bullets but peers up long enough to notice that sign.

Croatoan virus
Notice August 2014


The loose gravel crunches beneath Dean's boots as he makes his way up Bobbys driveway. Everything still looks the same, although if you didn't know better you would think the place had been abandoned for several years.

"Bobby?" Dean calls out as he slowly opens the front door. There's no answer. He makes his way through the house attempting to dodge all the clutter. As he's avoiding a tall stack of papers he bumps into the wall nearly knocking a picture frame down. He quickly grabs it and notices his family gathered together. They look rugged, and they're holding guns. There's a sign next to Bobby that reads Camp Chitaqua.

"Cas? I could really use some help here..." Dean prays aloud hoping Cas will hear him. He waits a while, but no one shows up. He misses Cas, and he wishes he could figure out what's going on so he could see him again.

"I guess it's off to Camp Chitaqua then." He says aloud to no one. Pausing only for a moment, just in case he missed something, he makes his way out the door.


A very tall chain linked fence boarders the perimeter of Camp Chitaqua. Through the holes Dean sees her. Shes just sitting there, broken down and defeated. He finds his way through the fence and runs up to his Impala. "Oh baby, what have they done to you?" He practically cries. He peers inside through where the door used to be, to find her completely gutted.

A rustling noise alerts Dean to someone's presence, only a little too late. A searing pain shoots through his head and then there's total darkness.

He wakes up handcuffed to a ladder that's nailed into the floor. Still a little groggy he tries to take in his surroundings. It looks like a small cabin, the kind the camp must have rented out to tourists. He blinks a couple more times to adjust his vision when he gets a facefull of water.

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