Chapter 8: The End

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Cas sits across from Dean at the table in their motel room, Dean staring at his cellphone. "You know you actually have to dial Sam's number right? Trust me I've tried your way, it doesn't work." Cas says to Dean unaware of the irony of his sentence.

Chuckling to himself he looks up at Cas "I know, I just, what if he doesn't want to come back? What if I've completely fucked this up?" He looks back down at his phone as if willing Sam to call him first. He doesn't want to admit that he was wrong, but even worse, he's worried that Sam won't come back.

"He's your brother, and you told me he called you and said he wanted back in. He will come back." Cas puts his hand on Dean's and looks him meaningfully in the eyes.

Always shocked at how well Cas knows him he decides to man up. He pushes his chair back and gets up, his phone in his hand. "You're right. I need to just suck it up and call him. I'm going to call him outside, I need the air." Dean starts to walk out the door, but stops and gives Cas a quick kiss before stepping outside.

Closing the door behind him Dean looks around. It's dark out now the only light coming from the flickering motel lights. He walks over to the side of the road. Being off the beaten path there wasn't any traffic coming through, so he decides to walk down the road, away from the motel for some privacy.

After walking for a little while, he notices he can no longer see the motel through the thick of the trees. He looks up, the stars shining brighter than he remembers them being in a long time. Back to when he and Sam sat out in a field and set off fireworks. The stars before the fireworks went off were so bright. He smiles and takes a deep breath. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and punches in Sam's number.

"Dean? Is everything ok?" Sam asks, worry in his voice. "Cas said he could find you."

Dean can picture the puppy dog eyes Sam must be making. "Yeah man, everything is cool. I was taken on a trip by our good friend Zechariah."

Confused, Sam asks "What kind of trip?"

Dean laughs. "It's a long story, the short version ends with you saying yes and the Croatian virus being unleashed." Sparing Sam the gory details of how bad it really is he stops shorr. "Look Sam neither of us are going to say yes. We will find a way to win this war without Michael. But I can't do it without you by my side. We need to be together."

Without hesitation Sam starts packing his things. "Come get me. I've been doing some research." He says while grabbing his laptop.

"Ok sammy, we're on our way." Dean says as he starts making his way back to the motel. To Cas.

Sam stops "we?"

Thankful Sam can't see the deep shade of red he just turned Dean says "Yeah, Cas is with me. I'll uh, explain that later."

They hang up as Dean gets back to the motel. "Alright Cas let's pack up, we're going to get Sam." He starts putting clothes in his duffle bag.

Cas smiles and hands Dean a shirt from the floor. "Did you tell him everything?" Cas asks hoping Dean knows that he means everthing between them.

Walking over to Cas, Dean puts his hand on the back of his head and pulls him in for a kiss. "I haven't yet, but we definitely will. Together. And henwill be happy for us. Now let's go win us a war!"

They drive off to meet up with Sam. Dean's hand on Cas' knee. Not caring how late it is, or how long of a drive they have. Not even that they may die soon. All that mattered was that they were together until the end. No matter how long or short lived.


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