Chapter One

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"Honey wake up!!" my mother shouted at me. 

"What is it mother?" I said as I jumped out of bed. I heard a bang. "what was that?"

"Our kingdom is under attack we have to get you to the roof." My mother dragged me out of my room my guard and his son standing there "Samuel get her to the roof." 

"Yes ma'am."

"What?! Mother where are you going, you can't leave me." I said.

"Darling you will be alright Samuel and Jacob will take care of you," my mother said as she ran off. Samuel, Jacob and myself all ran to the roof.

"There is only room for one." A strange man in a suit said. Samuel pushed me onto the plane and then the door to the roof busted open and the there was gun fire and the man in the suit was shot so Samuel pushed Jacob on the plane and the poilet took off.

"Where are you taking me? Where is my mother?"

"You highness your country is in trouble we are taking you to the United States and putting you in the Princess Protection Program."


"Hello Ms. Montoya my name is Agent Brooks I am here to insure your safety until we find you a place to hide here in the United States. We thought the best place to hide you was in plan sight. My niece is a professional YouTuber in LA we talked with her and her boss Jake Paul they agreed to let you live in there house and become a YouTuber yourself." Agent Brooks said. "Jacob you will be living with Tess's mom as Tessa cousin, We do have to transform you both so no one recognizes you."

"So wait we won't be together?" I asked. Agent Brooks just shook his head, "Excuse me Agent Brooks I just watched my home get taken over now I have no idea by who but my mother, Samuel and so many other lives could of been taken. Jacob here is the only person that I can trust right now. So I refuse to go anywhere without him!" 

"Okay we can get that arranged. Time for your transformations." He said.

Jacob before:

Jacob before:

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Jacob After:

Blake Before:

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Blake Before:

Blake Before:

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Blake After:

"Okay so Remember Rachel your new name is Blake, Jacob yours is Austin, you two are twins and-"

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"Okay so Remember Rachel your new name is Blake, Jacob yours is Austin, you two are twins and-"

"We are Nick's cousins visiting for a couple weeks and hopefully-"

"everyone on Team 10 will like us enough so Jake can ask us to be apart of Team 10." Finished Jac- Austin.

"Okay." Agent Brooks said as the elevator door opened. "Blake, Austin meet Jake, Tessa, and Nick the only people who know your true identities."

Aftre introductions we left and went to Jake's Tessla. "Okay lets go meet the rest of the crew.

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