Ch.1{we miss you}

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Lauren POV

We have been on this tour for almost a year. It's so hard not seeing my girls every day. Especially when Y/N is three. Kendall and Kylie help take care of Maddie and y/n while I'm gone. Sometimes I get to take a few vacation days In between shows and go home but it never last more than three days. I love touring and singing but I love my girls just as much. Kendal Jane, and Kylie Rae are my eldest daughters. Kendall is the older twin by 2 minutes. She loves it. But I had them when I was only 16. It's a long complicated story.

My 3rd baby Madison Nicole Jauregui I had when I was only 18. So as you can see I had to grow up pretty fast. I was a mother when my friends were out there trying makeup for the first time. I will admit i was scared. The twins were two and I had a new baby on the way. My life was flipped upside down agian. I have an amazing family who has always been there to help and support me. They adore the girls and the girls adore them.

Finally we have my youngest daughter y/n Elizabeth. Yup four girls. Thank god because boys are too much work. She's the sweetest little girl In the whole world. She's very kind and helpful and She loves her big sisters so much. This time around it was different Maddie was 13 and the twins were 15. The girls were such a big help and they loved having a new baby around and y/n is such a happy little girl.

Y/n is three now. Her birthday is less than 6 months away. It's so crazy how fast the grow up.

Well as you know I am in a band called fifth harmony. There is five of us. Me, Normani, Ally, Dinah and Camila. They are like my sisters. The girls actually refer to them as aunties. Which is so adorable. Kendall is closer with Normani. Kylie is closest with Dinah, those two are always in trouble for pulling pranks. Maddie is closer with ally, maybe it's the height thing I don't know. Finally y/n adores Camila, my best friend.

I'm not dating at the moment but I do have a crush. But I can't tell you it's a secret.

This is my crazy life.

Kendall's POV

Ever since mom went back on her tour me and Kylie are in charge. There's two of us and two kids. I'm oldest so I am responsible for y/n. Kylie is responsible for Maddie. Of course we help each other out because technically it's both our responsibility to watch both kids. We just find it easier to split up the work.

The mornings in our house is kind of hectic. Me and kylie can drive which is a good thing. We have to wake up super early to get ourselves ready first. I usually wake up first and shower. Maddie is 16 so she gets ready on her own but y/n needs help. After I get out of the shower I walked over to my closet to grab some clothes. I usually wear a romper or a dress but today I'm feeling a little lazy. So I grab some sweatpants and a tank top with a hoodie. I then grab my phone and walk down the hall to y/n's room.

She's so cute when she's sleeping. Sometimes when she's awake she's a little hyper monster who's sweet. I slowly make my way over to her closet to grab her some clothes. Today she's wearing a butterfly romper that Auntie Mila gave her for her birthday. Next is the hardest part. Waking her up.

It's crazy how much she is like mom. Mom loves to sleep so does Y/n. She sleeps in one of moms tshirts. It's literally the only way we can get her to sleep. Maddie is the one who has the easiest time putting her to bed. They have a special bond I can't really explain you can just tell when you look at them.

"Y/n baby it's time to wake up." I sit next to her little toddler bed and rub her back.

"No" she says and rolls over.

"Please. Y/n i promise to make you favorite breakfast."

"No I want mama" she says.

"I know sissy me too but she will be home soon. I promise Y/n."

She covered herself back up. Some days it's easy to wake her up. Others like today it's almost impossible. Only one thing will get her up.

I walked into the bathroom and FaceTimed my mom. After a few moments the call picked up.

"Awe what a nice surprise. Good morning Ken what's up?"

"Good morning momma. It's Y/n agian."

"Agian. It literally breaks my heart to see her miss me so much. Bring the phone into her room hold it so I can see her."

"Okay" I do as she asked.

"Y/n baby it's mommy can you wake up so I can see your pretty face." As soon as Y/n heard her voice she jumped up. When she realized she wasn't really here and she was on the screen you could see the disappointment on her face.

"There's my angel. Good morning sleepy head. I miss you so much."

"Wen come home." Y/n said. Again she's only three so she can't speak too well.

"Soon nugget soon I promise" mom said and smiled. "Can you be a big girl and go get ready for kennie?"

Y/n slowly nodded her little head still upset moms not here. "Yes mama." She said. "Okay I love you baby have a good day!"
"Otay love u" she kissed the screen and went to the bathroom.

"Okay well I need to go help her get ready so can we talk again soon? When are you free?"  I asked her.

"Uhm we are traveling agian after tonight's show. So maybe at 9?"  "Okay bye momma love youuu" "bye babygirl"

I know I'm 18 but she will always be my momma.

Lauren's POV.

Today is our last show for 2 weeks and the girls only have two weeks left of school. So I'm planning on going back home tonight with Camila. Every time we have time off she spends the first half with me and my kids. Then she goes home to her family and we meet back up when our small vaca is over. The girls have been kinda sad that it's been about two months since I've seen them. Of course we FaceTime like at least 4 times a week but it's not the same as being there.

"You girls are on In 5" Big rob says.

"I'm coming home baby girls."
A/N: hello beautiful people:) thank you so much for choosing my book to read! I hope you like it so far stay tuned for some updates! Love you all xoxo

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