Ch.4{hurting innocence}

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The sounds of birds chirping fills the room. I try and open my eyes but the light is too bright. I reach over in the bed to cuddle with mami but I feel nothing.

I open my eyelids so fast. Where did she go. She left agian.

I started crying. "Mama don't leave me agian." I was bawling my eyes out.

"Hey sissy what's wrong why are you so upset." Kennie said. Hugging me

"Mama left me. She no want me." I said holding my elephant.

"Awe my sweet girl mama wants you I promise."

"Why she always leaves me then? Mommy no want a baby I can be a big gurl. I'll be good"

"Awe Y/n you are perfect. You don't need to change. Mama and all of us love you so much. Mama is very sad when she has to leave us. Mama's job makes her travel. Mama sings songs with auntie mila,Dinah,normani, and ally for people and it makes them happy. But I promise you mama loves you very much."

"I sad. "

"Don't be sad princess I love you!"

"I wuv you too Kennie"
Kennie pulls me into a tight hug.

I'm still crying a lot. "Where is mama?" I asked. Laying back down.

"I'm not sure. I'll go find her for you. You stay right here cutie" Kennie gets up and leaves the room.
Kendall's POV.

That literally broke my heart. Y/n is three. She shouldn't be that upset. It's all moms fault. She doesn't mean to do it but she should know how much it affects Y/n.

I walk down stairs and see my mom at the couch. "Can we talk?"

"Sure Kennie what's up?" She pauses her tv show.

"Your hurting Y/n. I hope you know. "
"What do you mean?"she's so confused.
"She's 3 mom. 3. And I just found her bawling her eyes out because you left again and she thinks you leave because you don't want her. She's so desperate to make you stay she said she can grow up if you don't like baby's and she will be a good girl. She's so perfect and your breaking her. Either stay or don't come back because she shouldn't have to go through this she's 3."

"I...I'm sorry"
"Fix it" I walked away.

I went up to me and Kylie's room. I flopped onto the bed and screamed. We all love her so much. It just bothers me Y/n is so affected by her traveling and being on tour.

I got up and put on some flip flops, and walked back to where Y/n is.

"She gone?" Y/n said.

"No baby we are going out today. Bring Ellie and some pajamas okay?"

I carry her to her room. I put her down and she grabs some stuff.

I pick out her outfit for today and it's shorts and a t-shirt with sneakers.

I also pack a few extra toys and some of moms shirts. Me and Y/n are going on a vacation. I'm not sure where but my mom needs time to figure out what she's gonna do.

After we pack our two bags I grab her blankey and we head down the hall

"Guys go pack as fast as you can."
"Where are we going?" Mads asked.
"You'll see. You need enough for one week."

Once everyone was ready we went down stairs."Y/n say by to mama."

"Bye mama" mom looked so confused and sad "where you going baby?" She asked Y/n. "On a vacation." Y/n said so happily.

"And before you even ask no you can't come. KyKy take her bags, Maddie buckle her in. Now." The three of them walk out the door.

"You have a week to get your shit together" suddenly my left check was burning. She hit me. She has never hit any of us before.

I didn't say anything I just walked out to the car put my bags in the trunk and drove off. I could hear her yelling she was sorry. I don't care.
A/N: Where do you think I'm sending them too! Correct comment gets a shoutout. You get two clues.
#1 warm | #2 beach

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