Ch.2{home and hugs}

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Maddie's POV.
Tonight is my turn to give Y/n a tub. I don't mind because Y/n always listens to me. I honestly love having a little sister more than having two older sisters. I mean of course I love ken and KyKy but they get bossy sometimes and treat me like a baby. Y/n never does that. She looks up to mean and I love that I have someone to be a role model too. I have been dancing since I was three. My mom thought it was a great idea for me to start taking classes because I loved dancing and started as soon as I could walk. I have won many awards and I work very hard on being the best dancer I can be. I don't compare myself to anyone and I love that I can now teach Y/n how to dance. It's too hard for us at the moment to put her in dance because moms always on your and we struggle taking care of a 3 year old. But I don't mind teaching her so that's okay.

"Y/n it's time for a tubby. Do you want bubbles or no bubbles?" I asked as I bent down to my little princess and picked her up.

"Mmmm bubbles!!" She said as she started laughing.

"Okay sounds good!" I carried her into the bathroom and started her bath. I then removed all her clothes and diaper and put bubbles in the bath. I placed her into the warm water and gave her some toys.

"Okay Y/n remember keep the water in the tubby okay?"

"Okay sissy"

Y/n played and washed up. For about 20 minutes. I grabbed her towel and wrapped her up and carried her to her room.

"Okay y/n/n can KyKy put your pajamas on and brush your hair. Then you can brush your teeth and I'll read you a new story?"

"We read princess story pwease?"
"Sure silly anything you want!"

I walked out of her room.
"Kylie she's all yours."


Lauren's POV.
It's currently 7:30. Y/n shouldn't be asleep quite yet.

"Come on camz be quite." We grabbed our bags and said by to the other girls. I literally ran over to the door and rang the door bell. I heard footsteps getting louder.

Suddenly the door opened and I was engulfed in a hug. The person hugging so tight as if I might disappear. I could tell who it was just by their smell. A mother's instinct I guess.  Finally she pulled away tears running down her face. "Mommy? Is it really you!" "Maddie it's me babygirl I'm really here!" "I missed you more than you could imagine" "I missed you too munchkin! Where are your sisters?"  I asked wiping her tears. "MOM!!" Before she could answer Kendall ran outside and jumped on me. She does this everytime. "There's my kennie girl! I said giving her a kiss on her temple." "Y/n will be going crazy when she sees you!"

"God I bet she's gotten so big!" "KyKy is in Y/n's room." "Okay can you girlies help aunt mila into the guest room please" "sure thing mom!" Maddie said.

I entered my home for the first time in a few months. It's crazy how much you can Miss a place and the people associated with it.

I climb the tall set of carpeted stairs and down the hall. Just as I was approaching Y/n's room Kylie comes out. I quickly put a finger over my mouth so Y/n doesn't know I'm here. "Y/n I will be right back with your juice" she shuts the door and falls to the ground in tears. "I missed you so much I can't believe your really here." I pull her into a hug and we stay like that for a few minutes. I kiss her on the forehead and tell her to go grab that juice so I can give it to Y/n.

KyKy runs up the stairs with the sippy cup.
"Thanks Kylie. Aunt mila and your sisters should be in the quest room go say hi"

A/N: thank you guys so much for reading I hope you enjoy this book so far!! I'm trying really hard here to make it good! I will improve as chapters go on I promise! Comment some ideas of where I could take this story! Sorry this chapter is a little bit shorter than the first one. I just thought this was a good place to stop. And I have a good start to the next chapter. Keep reading!!

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