Chapter Seven - Cookies, Carvings and Compromises *Annabeth* Part I

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A/N: I'm so stokes! 100 votes on the last chapter before I even posted this! I love votes! :D No, but seriously, thanks for the support guys!

 Enjoy the chapter!


-Cookies, Carvings and Compromises-

Part I


I was having a rather odd dream about being trapped inside a gigantic crystal bowl when someone knocked on my bedroom door and woke me up.

“Go away,” I called to whoever was out there. Light was coming in through a crack in the curtains so I guessed it was pretty late. But it was Saturday so whatever.

Despite my protest the door opened revealing my best friend Hannah. I groaned. Not that Hannah wasn’t a nice thing to see first thing in the morning. In fact I imagined quite a few guys had fantasized about (among other things) waking up with her. Hannah had gorgeous long black hair, green eyes, pale nearly transparent skin but unlike me no freckles and a generous C-cup (those last two I’d been insanely jealous of her for during most of our youths). What I wasn’t so excited about was the perkiness that Hannah always brought.

“Morning,” she said cheerfully as she walked into the room. She was wearing a pink winter jacket and high heeled boots that made her legs look a million miles long but hardly could be practical in this weather. I glanced over at the clock. It was 9:07.

“How are you awake?” I asked, sitting up. “And dressed? And here?”

She crossed her arms over her chest.“Car keys, remember? You said me and Josh could borrow your car and drive into Helena today.”

I did vaguely remember her mentioning/asking something along those lines when I had called her late last night to tell her about the events that had transpired during the afternoon and early night. I’d however been far to occupied with complaining about Don to remember much about the conversation.

“Did you have to come up here and wake me?” I said as Hannah plunked down on my bed. “You know where the keys are.” They were in a jar down stairs, mixed in with a whole bunch of other keys. But she’d be able to find them. Hannah was always borrowing my car since hers was always breaking down and Josh’s car was such a gas guzzler I wouldn’t be surprised if it was named our state’s biggest source of pollution. My red Toyota on the other hand was new, a hybrid and it had IPA - Intelligent Parking Assist - which was great when you were going to the city.

“I had to come over because I wanted to show you this fun app.” She tugged out her phone from her jacket pocket.

“Had to?” I said as I slumped back on the bed, closing my eyes. “I think that can be debated.”

She took my phone off the nightstand.“I’ll download it for you and add me.”

“What does it do?” I asked. I wasn’t very into technical stuff. Apps, cell phones and computers were more my dad’s area. And sometimes Hannah’s.

“It lets me see where you are and you me by using our phones’ GPS or something. If we get close, like say we’re both in the general store at the same time, they beep. We can set how close we need to be for it to ping and I think it can tell us when we enter a building and stuff. So it could like let you know when I arrive at school and stuff like that,” Hannah said sounding way too excited.

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