Thunder Thighs

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    I'm personally still in the process of embracing my thunder thighs, but like I'm getting there girl.  Anyways, when I wear shorts or skirts and sit down, my thunder thighs come out like my double chin. Like, I know it's there but like when it comes out to its full width, I'm shookatif. 

Hi my lovely purple potatoes, like always I want to thank all of yall that have and still are supporting this book and making it grow so quickly. Thank you guys so much! Like I mentioned, I started this book not at all expecting such great and large amount of readers reader! So thank you for making this potato a lil happier with life :) Aaaaaand also a big thank you to those that have read my new book "A Series of Unfortunate Events", which by the way, the main character is curvy and is going through the journey of loving herself. :) 

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