A Lil Advice For My Purple Potatoes

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So, you guys have probably heard this multiple times but I'm still gonna throw it at cha. So as I've mentioned in one of my most personal chapters on this book, I struggle with self love. And lately I've been trying to do things that improve my self-esteem and that little boost to feel beautiful, and one thing that I find effective is following plus size models on social media. I know it sounds like, wtf that's useless buuuut it actually really helps me when I feel down about my body. It doesn't only have to be models, but since following a model isn't creepy like following a stranger, yeah lol. But, why that works for me is because when I see their pictures and how proud they are of their body in it, it makes me feel that I'm not alone and that I'm beautiful in my own way. So yeah, go do that if you have social media, just fill you're stuff with confident people with bodies similar to yours. And, it doesn't only work in the moment, when I feel down I just think back to my favorite plus size models and how I can be as confident as them one day. :) So yeah, this is me giving you guys advice for your journey of positive living :)

Love - This potato :)))

Some of my favorite models are: of course Barbie Ferrera, Ashley Graham, and La'Tecia. 

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