Feel Good

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Guuuuuuuuuurl, if you having a bad body day and you're feeling self conscious about your body, then guuuuuurl grab your phone and mirror and I will make you love yourself damn it. But like honestly, when I'm feeling down about my body or myself in general I FORCE myself to take mirror selfies (like sitting down or on my knees mirror selfies) cuz guuuuuurl every time I do it I feel grrrrr8 about myself :) I be hyping myself up like DAMNNNNN, the Pacific Ocean called, she wants her big round waves back. Even if you're having a good day, you feeling good and all, STILL DO IT CUZ THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS LOVING YOURSELF TOO MUCH. (There is such thing as narcissistic but that's something else) I know it sounds weird that I said I force myself to do this, but honestly I think you have to be doing this cuz YOU ARE SUCH AN AMAZING POTATO (like high end potato damn it) AND YOU DESERVE TO SEE WHAT OTHERS SEE OF YOU, FRIGGIN AMAZING DAMN IT. NOW BELIEVE IT. AND IF YOU ALREADY DO, THEN KEEP DOING IT GUUUURL.

Sorry that I'm TERRIBLE at updating but like, yo potato got a surprising mind that just comes up with ideas randomly (and very sort from each other) Buuuuuuut y'all know what time it is :) :) It is time for me to beg you and ask you and throw puppy eyes 👀 at ya to pleaseeeeeee go read my other stuff (more specifically my poem book "Feelings of Mine." I'd love yallz more than I already do cuz YALLZ ARE AMAZING ☺️💕

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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