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I squeeze my eyes shut, waiting for the impact. But there was none. Confused, I flickered one eye back open. I see a cyan blue door with a white frame. I open my other eyes and looked down at the familiar light blue rug beneath me. This was... 'Evie's room?'

I spin around and see Evie laying down, covered in sweat. She was all red and gasping for air.

'E-Evie?!?' I yelled as I scramble to her side. 'Are you ok?'

'Haha..' She laughed weakly. 'The "Great Evie" is always ok!' 

'Thanks Evie. I could have handled it though.'

'No you couldn't have! You know it takes a lot of energy to teleport long distances. I wouldn't have done it if you could handle Lex.' She said, sitting up.

'I've fought with Lex before.'

'He's stronger now! Ever since Androxus made him beg for his life at Onslaught , he's been training.'

'And what? You think I don't train?'

'Oh, get over yourself Maeve!' She scowled as I rolled my eyes.

'Anyway,' I sigh, changing the subject. 'we're missing class Evie. Couldn't you have teleported us somewhere closer to school?"

'Well, I...erm... didn't think that far. Buuuutttt....'

'Why is there always a  buuuutttt?' I groan.

'Lighten up! Let loose a little! We could have a little fun! Everyone's at school or work. And Mak is out picking up groceries in Farrland, right?'

'More like picking up ladies.' I whispered to myself. 'I'm in if you are.'

'Yessss!!! You're way better than Ying! She doesn't let me do ANYTHING!' She laughed, throwing her hands around me.

'Well Ying is your babysitter. I am your cousin.' I said, hugging her back. 'And Ying is a prostitute. I'd bet Sha Lin pays hundreds for her...' I pouted.

'Get over that jerk! He almost got you killed!'

'I know but... he's Sha Lin!!!'

'Yeah. I know. You always say that. You deserve better than him. He's a player.'

'He's just... stuck in my mind.'

'Well let's go out! You'll forget about him in no time!'

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