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'You want me to steal from the head of the Realm?' I said slowly.

'Yes.' He bluntly replied. 'Someone is willing to pay me 100 THOUSAND GOLD for just one soul orb.'

'Woah... really?' I gasped.

'Yes. And if you do this for me, you'll get 10%...'

'Only 10? I'm not risking my life for 10 thousand gold.' I snorted.

'Grr... 20%?!?'

'How about 30%' I laughed.

'Don't push your luck Maeve...' 

'Ok, deal. But... Seris keeps her soul orbs with her all the time! She can kill me without hesitation, and not bring me back! She has so much security and---'

'I, Drogoz the greedy, the original theif, has trained you! You can steal anything Maeve. 12 years! You've worked for me for 12 years! YOU WILL BRING ME BACK A SOUL ORB BY TOMORROW EVENING!' He growled, smoke escaping from the gaps in between his clenched teeth.

I stumbled back in shock. I had to do it. I could not lose this job. I promised mom I would take care of grandpa. He's all I had left. He was already sick enough as it is. 'I'm sorry boss. I'll do whatever you say...' I whispered. A wicked smile tugged on his scaly lips.

'Good. Tomorrow there is a Siege training match. You will participate. That is when Seris is at her most vulnerable. You'll be able to snatch it from her claws then. You have one chance Maeve. Screw this up,' He turned to me. ', and she'll kill you.' I backed up a little bit and I bumped into the wall, which startled me. Drogoz laughed.

'Though, you're best shot is when a large group of people die. Then she'll be focused on bringing them back to life. She'll be virtually powerless at that point.'

'Yes sir...' 

'Go home now. Don't want to keep your old turtle of a grandfather waiting.' He laughed. It wasn't funny. I hated it when he called grandpa that, and he knew it. Sure, he was old and he was a turtle. But the way he said it... It sounded mean.

'He has a name, sir.' I growled.

'Do I care? Get lost.'

I sighed and picked up my box of fish. I walked over to the door and pushed it open. The cold evening air shocked me as I stepped outside. I looked up and took a deep breath.

 I was going to die tomorrow, and I knew it.

Blades - Welcome to the Realm~~~Where stories live. Discover now