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I laughed as my sister kicked my foot under the table. "I'm just telling the truth," I told her, giving a half-hearted shrug.

"That's the dumbest thing I've ever fucking heard," She argued.

"Chill out," My brother snickered. "Can't get mad if it's true, can you?"

"Oh... screw you, Warren!" My sister shouted.

"Xevenie," I scolded lowly. "Shush. You're being obnoxious."

She stuck her tongue out at me. "Blehh." Warren and I both laughed at her.

I stood up, grabbing my coffee up from the table and straightening my skirt. "Alright, you two. I'd better get going. Those coffees aren't going to make themselves," I groaned (mostly to myself).

"Aww, really? At least let me drive you," Warren said, standing up as well. I really didn't feel like taking a cab to work, so I nodded in agreement. "Alright. Fine."

Xevenie groaned as we walked out the door. "You guys blow," She sneered as we got onto the car.

"Anyway, are you ever gonna quit this bullshit job? I mean, it's not like you like the job," Warren spoke, one hand on the wheel, the other resting on the console.

"I don't know. It's not about what I wanna do anymore, really. It's just about money," I told him as I stared out the window at the passing city.

"Yeah, and you don't even make good money there. All you do is brew those sad fuckers coffee while they sit back and make moola by sitting on their asses," Xevenie barked, like her future was on the line and not mine.

I worked at a design company in Tennessee for some cheap shots trying to make it big. Their designs were just ugly, though; not with the times. I just worked there for money. It's not like I saw potential and wanted to work there for my dream job.

Warren stopped the car next to the building. "You should just quit now," He said. I laughed and shook my head.

"I'd lose my apartment in a heartbeat, Warren," I pointed out, still smiling.

He smiled as well as he pulled the car to a stop. "Well. I guess that sucks ass, doesn't it?"

I nodded, opening the car door. "Bye," I said, stepping out, and looking back at Xevenie. "Behave."

Xevenie's lips upturned and she opened her mouth to send a snarky remark my way, but then her lips clamped closed awkwardly.

"Holy shit," She spoke, her words coming out as though they'd been trapped.

I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

She raised her hand to make some sort of gesture, but I didn't see it. Something jerked my head to the side, causing me to gasp in surprise, my breath caught in my throat. I felt strands of hair being plucked from my head, the rest hanging onto my scalp for dear life.

I heard the car door open and slam shut, and glimpsed Warren run around the car. Two hands had ahold of my hair, jerking me left and right. I screamed finally, trying to get away from them. I realized that I heard growling, or  grunting, like someone was hurt. "What the fuck is happening!?" I shouted hoarsely.

I finally ripped my head away, lifting it up. Warren had his hands around someone's throat, he was choking him, I was stumbling back, tripping over the curb, and-

Warren tripped onto his ass, and then man lunged onto him. I screamed in horror, watching as the man snapped his jaws at Warren, as if he wanted to eat him or some crazy shit.

Xevenie's door slammed open, and in a split second, she was slamming a tripod into the man's head. The man grunted and fell onto his back, away from Warren. Xevenie held up the tripod, yelling at him to shut up or she'd hit him again. I grabbed her wrist. "Don't kill him!"

Xevenie glanced up at me, before her eyes went wide. The man snatched her ankle and tried to sink his jaws into it. The tripod swung down on his head again, and he slumped to the ground. I slapped a hand over my mouth. "Oh my fucking God, Xevenie..." I whispered. "You killed him."

Xevenie dropped the tripod, starting to hyperventilate. Warren got to his feet and grabbed Xevenie's arm. "(Y/n), get into the car. Now. We need to go."

"What!? We just fucking killed someone!" I yelled, following him to the car anyway.

"I don't think anyone cares right now." He pointed out the window, and I turned my head to look.

Fear flooded my intestines, like a dam breaking and letting everything into an organized little community. A woman was on the ground, pinning a man down as she buried her face into his stomach. "What is she doing?" I whispered.

"She's eating him," He said solemnly. Now that I was looking, I could see it all. Hear it all. Smell it all. People screaming, the smell of blood and rot in the air. Blood splashing out of people on the sidewalk as citizens attacked others.

"Drive," I said. "Fucking drive, Warren! We need to go!"

Warren didn't hesitate to step on the gas. He clipped the bumper of the car in front of us, swerving out onto the road. Xevenie screamed as we felt a jolt under the car. "Jesus fuck, Warren, you're running over people!" I screamed.

Warren shouted back at me, "Shut up! Let me drive!"

I clambered into the backseat with Xevenie, and we both looked back at what we'd hit. An old woman, spurting black blood from her mouth lay in the street, convulsing wildly. "Oh Jesus Christ..." Xevenie whimpered.

We said nothing for the entire ride. I didn't know where we were going, and I didn't ask. Xevenie didn't either; at some point I realized that she'd passed out and was unconscious next to me.

Finally, when we were out of the small city that we lived in, he pulled the car over next to a forest. He got out and opened my door, pulling me out and walking a few paces behind the car. He turned to me, forcing me to look at him.

"You saw what I did. That man was trying to eat you. He was trying to eat us. And you know what does that?"

I narrowed my eyes. "This is not the time for your bullshit jokes, Warren!" I snapped, eyes blazing with annoyance and irritation. Maybe even some fear.

"I'm not joking. Did you even take a look at those bastards?" He had a serious expression on his face. "Their skin was gray. They smelled like rot. They were bleeding everywhere. Not human," He said, gripping my shoulders.

"That's bullshit and you know it! That comic book fuckery isn't real!!" I swore, spit flying past my lips.

He stopped, looking over my shoulder. "Really? Turn around, (Y/n)."

(It still sucks, so don't get your hopes up too much.)

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