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The car lurched forward, crushing a Z under the tires. "Let's get the fuck out of here," Warren said, before pushing a button on the radio. The radio came to life, spouting upbeat music as he swerved out of the parking lot.


Blood splattered my face. I cringed, wiping it off with the sleeve of my jacket. Xevenie laughed. "Did you see that one!?" She exclaimed.

Warren rolled his eyes. "Yeah. I did. You almost shot (Y/n)."

I shoved the body off of me, groaning as I stood up. "God... this got old real quick."

Xevenie shrugged. "No school," She reminded me with a grin.

I scoffed. "Yeah. No school. Just people trying to eat you."

"Not people," Warren corrected. "Zombies." He wiped off the blade of his machete with a cloth. "Let's go." He picked up the duffle bag of guns that he'd collected from the abandoned gun shop we'd just stolen from. I mean, I guess we didn't steal it. It's the apocalypse. Everything's fair game.

"Surprised this place hasn't been picked over yet," Xevenie said, kicking a dead (truly dead) body out of the way of the door.

"You kidding? I'm not surprised at all. Nobody wanted to deal with the geeks," I said. There were at least eight of them when we came in. We didn't have a choice though. We walked right in without a thought, and they attacked us.

Warren stumbled slightly, grabbing onto the doorframe. "You okay?" I asked in a concerned fashion, putting a hand on his shoulder.

He nodded, though his face said otherwise. "Yeah. I'm fine. I just sprained my ankle." I looked down, and noticed that his left foot was slightly lifted above the ground to avoid tension in it, and he was putting all of his weight on his right foot. "I'll drive. You take a rest," I said, holding the door open for him.


"Where are we?" I asked, looking over at Xevenie, who was holding a map. "Georgia. We've been going South for three days, so we're probably about..." She tapped on the map. "Somewhere around Calhoun."

I looked at Warren in the rear view mirror. "Where are we going, anyway?" I asked.

"I don't know. Somewhere safe. We'll stumble upon something at some point."

I turned my head to actually look at him for a moment. "That's stupid. We're going to get killed that way."

"Got a better idea?"

There was a pause.

"Exactly. We don't know what we're doing."

"Then let's get a radio," Xevenie chimed in. "We're bound to hear something with that, right?" The radio in the car stopped working almost as soon as we left Dunlap, the town that we lived in.

"You have a point." Warren paused, and then grinned and sat up. "You know what kind of car has a radio in it?"

"Warren, no."

"Warren, yes!" Xevenie cheered. "Let's go steal a cop car!"

"No fucking way, Xevenie!" I snapped. "This May be the end of the world, but I don't care. I still have morals. If people just went around stealing all the time, then—" I stopped as the car began to sputter. "Oh, fuck..."

"What? What is it?" Warren asked, leaning into the front seat to see what the problem was. "Shit! I didn't even think about gas!" Warren whined.

I pulled the car to the side of the road, groaning in dismay. "This sucks."

I climbed out of the car, checking the hatch for gasoline. There wasn't any. What a surprise. "What do we do now?" Xevenie asked.

I looked around. "Not gonna find much gas in the middle of the forest, are we? We're walking for now."

Warren groaned. "On this ankle?" He lifted his ankle for me to see. It was swollen and puffy.

"We don't have another option," I said, grabbing a golf club out of the trunk and tossing it to him. "There. Use that."

Xevenie grabbed her bag and the food bag, putting them both on her shoulder, whilst I took the suitcase with weapons, the duffle with supplies, and the backpack of water.

Warren had already started walking, though he hadn't gotten very far due to his newfound 'disability'. We caught up to him quickly, which annoyed him. "Man, this is bullshit," He complained. "We're in the middle of nowhere. No car, my ankle's busted, and there are zombie's running around everywhere."

I shrugged. "Well, it's not like we've got a choice, Warren. If I'm right, there should be a town about a mile away so just hang on."

Taking another staggering step forward, Warren looked at me. "They're probably all dead."

"Yeah. I know. But we aren't. So shut up and keep walking."


I could see a church steeple coming into view. "Alright, we're coming up on it. Stay alert. Bash anything that moves," I said, gripping onto my baseball bat as I continued to move forward.

Warren groaned. "I'm so dead," He said, leaning on his golf club. "You'd better not leave me behind. I'll come back and eat your brains," He taunted with a grin.

"If you turn, I'll be sure to beat the shit out of you," Xevenie said with her own quirky grin.

"Alright, be quiet," I said, glancing at them over my shoulder. "Just follow me."

I broke through a patch of brush, pushing branches out of my way. A church came into view, along with a few zombies. They didn't seem to notice me, so I made a few gestures to Warren and Xevenie to avoid them.

Xevenie instantly said, "What??" I closed my eyes in irritation, but quickly reopened them.

"Nice, you've attracted our friends. Come on," I said, walking around the side of the church. They followed, Warren hobbling with his makeshift cane and Xevenie defending him from the back, cutting down any z that dared to come too close.

"(Y/n), I can't keep going. I need to find somewhere to hide while you guys find a car or something," Warren called to me, panting.

I glanced back at him and nodded. "Alright. In here," I said, coming into the church through the back door. Xevenie and Warren followed me inside, slamming the door behind them and locking it. I pushed a desk in front of it, before turning back to Warren. "Alright, sit down. We'll clear out the visitors for you," I said, referring to the seven or so dead that we're staggering down the aisle toward us.

Xevenie ran up the set of stairs to the left, drawing them away. I followed from the back, slamming my bat into a zombie's head. Blood splashed onto the walls and splattered my face. He dropped to the floor, and one of the other z's turned around, snarling at me.

"Come here, bitch," I tempted, backing up. She clambered over the dead prick on the floor, outstretching her arms. I kicked her backward, and she fell into the stairs, slamming her head into the corner. She slumped down onto the floor, blood pooling around her nappy hair.

Xevenie screamed from above, startling me. I dashed up the stairs, sliding to a halt at the top. Xevenie was struggling to keep a large male at bay, screaming as he snapped his jaws at her. "(Y/n), get this fucker off of me!"

I jumped onto the zombie's back, jerking him off of Xevenie. "Get off of her!" I shouted as he spun around. Xevenie gasped for breath, scooting backward.

I jumped off of his back, wielding my bat as he turned to face me, growling wetly. He suddenly launched at me, faster than any z I'd seen yet. He pushed me to the ground, causing my head to slam off of the hardwood. "Ah..." I moaned, trying to keep him away as my vision faded in and out.

He stopped abruptly, blood dripping onto my face, before falling off of me. I rolled over, coughing. "You're welcome." I looked up, expecting to see Xevenie.

"Who the hell are you...?" I murmured, before my eyes fluttered shut and everything went quiet.

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