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"Who the hell are you...?" I murmured, before my eyes fluttered shut and everything went quiet.


Faint arguing awoke me. I sat up quickly, but winced due to the sudden stabbing pain in my head. "Fuck..." I opened my eyes slowly. Light invaded my pupils, causing me to take in a sharp breath.

"(Y/n)! She's awake, Warren!" I hear Xevenie's high-pitched squeal.

"Shh, I'm sure her head hurts. You're gonna give her a brain aneurism." Warren came into my view. "(Y/n)? Are you okay?"

I blinked and nodded, swallowing. "Where are we?" My voice was dry and quiet.

"We're still in the church."

"What happened?"

"You passed out."

I sat up and looked around, my eyes settling on someone strange. "Who is that?" I asked, thoroughly confused. Warren shrugged, looking at the person. It was a boy, looking to be in his late teens. He was dressed as though he were going to a funeral, with black slacks and a black suit coat. Both were a bit ripped, and his white button up was unbuttoned for the first three, his tie hanging loosely around his neck, not tied.

"Hey," I called, getting to my feet and wiping at my forehead. Blood came off on my hands, and I panicked for a moment, but he stopped me.

"Walker blood."

I cocked an eyebrow. "The hell's a walker?" He blinked, and his eyes flickered downward, at the floor. I looked down, too, at a corpse. "Oh," I said simply, feeling a bit embarrassed.

I cleared my throat, rubbing a sore spot on my arm. "How long was I out?"

"Ten minutes," Xenevie yelled from the other side of the room. She was standing on a table and staring out of a window. I walked over and climbed up next to her.

The window looked out over a courtyard. A courtyard filled with 'walkers'. What a stupid name.

"Alright. Anybody got a plan?" I asked, putting an elbow onto the window sill.

"Throw them the little one," The kid answered. Xevenie narrowed her eyes.

"Haha, very fucking funny, smart guy. You probably caused this. Didn't you?" She snapped.

"Me? You're the one running around with a gun, attracting walkers from miles 'round!" He barked back. Xevenie jumped off of the table and ran at him. Warren grabbed her by the back of the jacket, stopping her.

"Chill out. He's right, though. If you don't absolutely need the gun, then use a melee weapon," He said. I snickered. He sounded like he was explaining a video game to 12-year-olds.

Xevenie snapped an insult at both of them, and then snatched her small pocket knife out of her pocket. "Fine. I'll go do that right now!" She ran down the stairs, and I could hear her footsteps echo down the aisle.

I didn't waste any time going after her, and by the time that I'd made it down the stairs, she'd already flung the doors open. "Xevenie!" I shrieked as zombies began to pour through the door. I saw her head of pink hair disappear in the sea, and Warren and the other guy booked it down the stairs.

"Come on! There's a back door!" The kid yelled, rushing toward the back of the church. Warren and I had no other choice than to follow him. Anxiety welled in my chest as we burst out the door. I didn't have time to look around for Xevenie, as there were now zombies spilling around the sides of the building and out of the back door.


"Warren, please! She's our sister, Goddammit!" I screamed.

Warren slammed into the brakes turning to me. "You saw how many goddamn corpses were roaming around there! We can't go back!"

"I don't care! What are we supposed to do? Just wait for her to come back? She could be hurt!"

"She's probably fucking dead by now!"

I slapped Warren. He stopped. Bit his lip. I swallowed. Kestine cleared his throat.

"Let me drive."

I turned to look at the kid in the funeral attire. "Fine. Warren, get out. If you're scared, you can wait somewhere else."

Warren scoffed and got out, trading seats with Kestine. "I'm going," He said, rubbing his cheek.

Kestine started the engine and made a u-turn, swerving and causing a terrible sound to erupt from the tires. I sighed, staring out the window as he sped down the road.

When we got there, it was nearly deserted, save for about eight to ten walkers. "Where the hell did they all go?" I asked, slamming the car door as I got out.

"No idea," Warren grumbled from behind me. "Ah, fuck!"

I whirled around at his cry of surprise, and, to my own surprise, Xevenie was on his back. "You fucking assholes! You just left me!"

"Correction; you ran away," Kestine pointed out uselessly.

"Where did they all go?" I asked as Xevenie jumped off of Warren's back.

"Dunno. I heard something go off earlier; like fireworks, or gunshots."

"Get your ass in the car," I instructed, and she finally obliged.

Warren and I also climbed back into the car, buckling our seatbelts. I paused, looking out the open window. "Coming?"

Kestine looked a bit startled, but his lips turned upward slightly. "Yeah... yeah. I'm comin'."

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