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Warren and I also climbed back into the car, buckling our seatbelts. I paused, looking out the open window. "Coming?"

Kestine looked a bit startled, but his lips turned upward slightly. "Yeah... yeah. I'm comin'."


"Should'a stayed in the kitchen."

"Oohoo, hilarious," I snorted sarcastically as I worked on the flat tire. Warren had a fever, and was lying down in the back of the car as Xev and Kestine cracked jokes. "You guys are so fucking productive," I snipped as one of them tossed a penny at me and it bounced off of my cranium. "Why don't you go look for food or water? We're dying here."

Xevenie rolled her eyes. "Oh, we are? If I'm correct, only Warren is dying."

I stood up. "No thanks to you! You're the one that got stuck in the vent and forced Warren to help you get out. And then, you just hopped right on out, knocking Warren off the ladder. I'm pretty sure he has a damn concussion, and it's your fault!" I shouted, anger bubbling under my grimy skin.

"You're the one that didn't check the tire! That's why it's flat, and we're stuck in this nasty little town!"

"Xevenie, don't start with me! I've been busting my ass trying to make sure that you're alive! So get in the fucking car and SHUT UP!" I screamed, my hand itching to strike her in that smug little face.

Ever since the church, she'd been exceptionally snarky with me. Whatever it took to piss me off; whether it was drinking from my water bottle, using the last of my ammo for 'target practice', or hooking up with Kestine at the absolute worst times. Why was she trying to make this so hard for me?

"Bitch," She mumbled, turning on her heel.

That was the last straw.

"What? What the hell did you say?"

"I called you a bitch," She deadpanned over her shoulder.

I grabbed her shoulder and spun her around. "Xevenie. I am in no mood for your shit. You've been pissing me off since this meat-market started, and it's not going to fly. Now get in the car or I'm going to kick your ass right here."

"Screw you, (Y/n). Should I go get you some tampons? Because that's really what you need."

The ground came up quick, but I suffered no injuries. "Get the hell off of me!" Xevenie wheezed, struggling as I pinned her.

I hit her once, and then twice, and a third time. Kestine dragged me off by the back of my shirt, jerking me into a standing position. "Quit! Both of you!"

I stood with shaking hands as the red hue faded from my vision. "This is bullshit," I muttered, before taking off down the street.


Two bottles of Merlot later, Kestine came to find me in the bar on Main Street. "Tire's fixed. Let's go." He paused, observing me. "Is that wine?"

"Maybe it is," I sneered.

"Yeah, not smart. Get going, Xevenie's getting antsy."

"Don't care." I flicked the cork at him, and it bounced off of his brow.

"Wow you're hilarious. Get up."


Kestine narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms. "Are you joking? You're literally being ridiculous, now get u-"

The door swung open and we both turned to look at who had entered. It was an old man, who looked tired and worn out. He paused at seeing us, and after a prolonged silence, I held up my bottle of wine. "Plenty in here. Have a seat, sir."

Kestine groaned. "Fine. I'll drive down and get Warren and Xev in here and I'll give us all ten minutes and then we gotta go," He declared, turning on his heel to go for the door as the old man stepped aside.

"Kestine," I called, and he turned around expectantly. "It's the apocalypse. We have all the time in the world."

He rolled his eyes and left, and I gave another glance at the old man still in the doorway. Finally, he walked slowly behind the counter and grabbed a bottle of scotch— or something. "Drink whatever you want," I said. "I've got the bill." I couldn't help but grin when I said it. Maybe it was the drunken twinge that bad pricked my spirit lately, or maybe it was me trying to make a dead world funny. Whatever.

He didn't say much while he enjoyed his drink (I'm not sure he enjoyed it but you get the jist.) "Anyway, what's your name old man?" I asked, hopping up onto the bar as I stared out the window.

He hesitated, looking at me and then forward again as he sipped on his cup of liquor. "Hershel. Hershel Greene."

I nodded, mouth full of wine as I took another chug. "(Y/m). Err- (Y/n)," I slurred. I dug around for my last name, and then recited it. "Sallow."

He stared at me, probably wondering why he was still talking to me. I heard the door open, and said, "Sup bitch," expecting Xevenie to hear me and get pissed off.

I didn't hear a response so I turned around, to be met two by strangers. I instantly sobered, getting off of the counter and pouring the rest of the wine onto the floor as I held up the bottle. Hershel let out a breath. "Pipe down, missy."

I frowned and let the bottle drop to my side, my fingers still wrapped around it. "Hershel," One of them said, his gun pointed at me. The Asian kid next to him nudged him, and he reluctantly lowered it slightly.

"Who's with you?" The old man asked, not turning around as he took another sip out of his cup.

There was a short silence before the man said, "Glenn." He looked me up and down. "And her?"

Hershel gave a short shrug. "(Y/n)," I put in, putting the empty bottle on the counter.

"Maggie send you two?" He asked.

"Glenn volunteered. Cuz he's good like that."

I glanced out the window, glimpsing Kestine's face in the glass as he peered in. "Oi, Kestine. Get in here and stop being an idiot."

The two guys at the door wheeled around and drew their guns as Kestine and Xevenie hauled Warren through the door, who looked just about dead. "Chill out," I told them, rushing over to help Warren into a chair.

The two went over to Hershel and started talking to him, while occasionally glancing back at us. Warren groaned, sweat dripping off of his face. I touched his forehead, biting my lip as I felt the heat he was giving off. "If we don't get him medical attention, he'll die," Kestine said, sending me into a sudden spiral of anxiety.

I stood back up, no longer crouching next to my brother. "Alright... alright. I've got this... I've got this. Just... just give me a second," I said, panting. I couldn't lose my brother. He was there for us when dad left. He let me and Xev move in when mom kicked us out because she had decided that she just didn't want children anymore.

I can't let him die.

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