Finale: Shots Fired!

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"Khalil get out of my house I swear, Diggy's on his way back and he will beat your ass so bad."

I'm not even going to lie was shaking in my socks. This can't be happening again. He moved closer and I moved back still going up the stairs. Kameryn started to cry, but I knew if I ran Khalil would chase and catch up to me.

"You know I actually wanted to name one of my children Kameryn but only with a C. You can still do that for me ya know?" He was moving up the stairs by now and my dumb ass tripped, but I got my ass right back-up I refuse to be like those dumb ones who get killed because they fall and decide to stay on ground like a dummy.

I stopped at the top and looked into his eyes and saw pure evil. He knew he was getting under my skin. I couldn't show fear.

"What do you want boy, be serious like why are you here, and more importantly what jail do you go to where you keep escaping from, they need to put your crazy ass in a white room with a damn straight jacket. You are barely even human. You need some serious medication because you are crazy."  It felt good to say those things I don't know why it just did.

He stopped and looked at me. "You know what I want."

"You're not getting him."

"I should have killed you when I had the chance, but I actually had a heart for you back then, but now I could kill you while your screaming baby is in there and not give a damn."

"Then if you're so big and bad handle your handle." I said moving towards him.

"I see you grew a pair over the years."

"Yep they're new and way bigger then yours will ever be and trust me I know this for a fact."

"Don't push it." He snarled moving up one step.

"What's wrong are you about to catch a bitch fit? Did I hit a nerve. If so GOOD I don't give three fucks about your feelings, you put me through hell and now your back again why don't you just leave us alone. KJ has a father figure he doesn't need you anymore, but for some reason you feel that you are relevant." I paused and looked at him knowing I was digging a deep hole. "Let me make this crystal clear if you died today not even God himself could make me give a single damn about you, KJ might care but he will get over you real quick, the only person who will care about you is your mother." I spoke with so much venom in my voice I could have been a snake at that moment.

At that very moment I could have either make a run for a stay standing my grounds. Khalil held his head down and started laughing, his laugh was equivalent to an evil villain. "You know you're probably right I might not have as much people at my funeral but just think about your funeral, think about the headline Fiance of Rapper Diggy Simmons is murdered.Everybody will weep and feel sorry, but me oh me I will laugh at the stupid fools who thought you were a saint, when in reality you're nothing but the devil. See they don't know you like I know you, party animal, wild child who had her first child at age 14."

"Because I was taken advantage of by a psychotic bastard." I screamed.

"You wanted it just as bad as did, so cut the bullshit you wanted to have sex but not the baby." He spat back. " You are nothing but a conniving bitch, but only I know the truth."



"I think it's best that you leave this house now."

I looked behind me and saw Spin with a gun pointing at Khalil. I was relieved that he was there but curious as to how the hell he got in the house.

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