Chapter 2

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     I walked into the front doors of the school. Everyone stood around their lockers, for school hadn't quite started yet. I took in a deep breath and sighed. I walked over to my locker and put in my code on the lock. I pulled off my bag and unloaded the things I didn't need for my first class and kept what I did. I pulled out my phone and went on to Instagram as I waited for the bell to ring. Suddenly, a familiar voice filled my ears. "Kylie!" Skylar called as she waved while she walked towards me. Skylar is my BHCF (Best Horse Crazy Friend). "Skyler! Good morning!", I replied as she came to a stop in front of me. I threw my arms around her and gave a hug. "How's Faith?" I asked her. Faith is Skylar's horse. "She is amazing! How is Pene?" She replied back to me. "She is great! You should see the latest picture I got of her!" I pulled the picture up and showed it to her. Skylar then pulled up one of her own. We looked like proud parents folding pictures out of our wallets. We talked about horses until the bell rang, cutting our equine talk short. Together, we walked to our first class.
     Then the next, and so-on until lunch. Then we finished up the school day. Most classes were boring, other than art. Art is usually always fun though. Today we finished painting a drawing we had created the day before. (I drew a horse of course!) And as usual, no boys noticed me. But who cares about guys... Usually they are pretty dumb anyways.
      Before I left, I talked to Skylar for a minute. "Are we still on for our usual after school ride?" I asked her with a smile. Skylar frowned. "Sorry Kylie! My mom is making me go to a play my little sister is in. I told her I didn't want to go but she wouldn't take no for an answer..." I frowned. "Okay... we will just go longer tomorrow!" I smiled. "For sure!" Skylar said with a laugh. We gave each other a hug and headed our separate ways. I walked out to my bus and headed home.

Heyo! Again, I am sorry if the chapter is a bit boring but I promise it will get better! I hope you stick around! ❤️☺️🤞

Home Is Where My Horse Is Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora