Chapter 3

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Quickly, I trotted down the bus steps and on to the ground in front of my gate. I opened it up and ran towards the house door. I turned the handle to the house and walked inside. Kit-Kat let out a bark and skipped around my feet. I crouched down and rubbed her all over. She jumped and put a kiss on my nose. My mom sat at her desk. "Hey Momma!" I called over to her. She turned and looked at me as I plopped down on the couch. Kit-Kat hopped up and laid across me. "Hi hun! How was school?" "Eh...It was pretty average..." I said with a shrug. "I see... Is Skylar coming later?" She asked. "Nope. She has to go to a play her little sister is in. I probably am just gonna go on my own today. Have some me time with Pene!" I explained. "Okay! Be careful and have fun!" She told me. "I will!" I said getting up and giving her a hug. As I walked out the door, Kit-Kat following, I grabbed my hat and stuffed it down on my head, and headed off to the barn. There, I grabbed Pene's halter and walked out to the pasture. I called out her name and she came over with a whinny. I rubbed her forelock. "Hey girlie..." After slipping the halter over her head, we walked out the gate and into the barn alley. I tied her and began to brush her body. I combed out her mane and tail thoroughly, making sure no snags remained. Finally, I picked out her feet, removing any rocks that might be in her hooves. I stepped back and looked her over. Pene's grullo coat glistened. Kit-Kat waited patiently next to us, until being distracted by a grass hopper. She pounced and hopped in the grass outside. I smiled, watching her silly behavior. When Pene was completely saddled up, together we walked outside and onto the driveway. I picked up Kit-Kat and sat her in the saddle, next swiftly pulling myself into it. I pressed my heels into Pene and off we went. Out the gate and down a quiet country rode. After a bit of walking, I pushed her into a trot. Then into a smooth lope. Kit-Kat gazed up at me as she sat in front of me.

An hour or two later...

After a good while, I decided to stop at the usual corner Skylar and I would usually rest at and watch the cars go by. The normal truck and car moved past me. Until one began to slow down. A large U-haul to be exact. It slowed down to a stop in front of my horse, dog, and I. The window on it slowly rolled down to reveal a nice looking woman and a normal looking man. She shot off a smile. "Hi! My husband and I were wondering if you could give us some directions to the high way?" The couple seemed no where near to being suspicious. Or so I thought...

Hi guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Sorry about the cliffhanger! 😅 Any who! Next chapter coming soon!

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