The Experiment: Part 1

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Why is it so dark? Where am I? I move forward as I think to myself. It feels unsettling in here, but I think I can see a light not to far away. As I inch closer and closer, I can start hearing voices. I can't quite understand them, but as I get closer, their voices become clearer. It appears they are behind a closed door and I lean in to listen.

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you're not going to be able to graduate." I wonder who's in there. Maybe I should listen a little more before I open the door.  

"WHAT!?! What do you mean I'm not graduating? This seriously can't be happening." Why does he sound so familiar? Why do I feel like crying? 

"You failed science. The science experiment you turned in was far too immature and was not up to our standards. Maybe if you put more effort into it, you would have passed. Goodbye and good luck" My eyes are tearing up as the teacher exits the room. She gives me a look of pity and opens the door wider for me to enter. My legs begin moving on their own and I enter the room. What I see horrifies me and I momentarily forget how to breath. I see my own reflection. It shows pure sadness, anger, but most importantly, defeat. That's when I realized why I felt his emotions. Unless I change my future science experiment, that's going to be me. After that realization, I feel myself slowly starting to awaken. 

As I wake up, I can't help but think back to my dream. If I want to have the best experiment in the school, I'm going to have to get started immediately. Since it's Saturday, I can go to the store and get everything I'm going to need. Or I can just send my dad with a list so that I can start now. After I finish writing my list, I head down stairs to the kitchen to eat and give dad my list. 

"So I finally decided what I'm making for the science fair. I just need you to go pick up a few items while I get started downstairs." I tell my father as I sit down at the table. I hand him the list and he looks at it with interest. 

"Well I was about to go shopping anyway so I'll be back in about an hour. What did you decide to make anyway?" 

"I'm sure you'll love it, but I'd prefer to keep it a surprise" I tell him as I head downstairs to the lab. Dad had it built for my 12th birthday after he seen me attempt to make a remote control car at the kitchen table. Ever since then, I've spent hours down here working on my inventions. 

I go inside the supply closet and grab a few items as well as my lab coat and safety goggles. I start working and only stop when dad came back with my items and lunch. After I eat, I go back and continue working. That's how I spend the next 3 weeks until November 8th . I only took brakes to sleep, eat, and go to school. 

When it came time for the science fair, I actually felt well prepared. I brought my project under a white blanket, brought in using a dolly. After I set it all up, I go around looking at all the competition. I still felt confident and went back to my setup to await the judges. 

The judges came after 13 minutes and instructed me to remove the white blanket. I take it off to reveal my 6 foot tall robot. The robot is programmed to only take instruction from my voice and respond in a human-like fashion. I command the robot to do a few tricks and answer the judge's questions about his programming. They all looked amazed and my confidence in winning went sky high. After another 38 minutes the judges announced the winner. I would be lying if I said I was surprised to win. 

After my victory, Dad took me and my robot -which I decided to name Kevin- out to eat. When we went home, I sent Kevin back down to the lab to charge back up. I plan on working on a more powerful battery for him tomorrow. I start writing down a few ideas to upgrade his battery, then go upstairs to sleep. 

The next morning, I wake up and immediately head downstairs to the lab to get started. Everything is going fine and I'm feeling confident with the battery, so I continue to add more energy into it. The battery experiment is going well and I head upstairs to retrieve the few supplies I needed. When I went back down I heard a small beeping noise coming from my computer the battery is connected to. The screen is yelling warning, but I choose to ignore it to save my work. I can't lose it now, I've worked too hard. My stubbornness and confidence was my downfall. As I hear it explode, everything moves as if it's in slow motion. The shock wave throws me against the wall. I feel every bone in my body shatter. My breath is knocked out of me and it feels as if my brain explodes. I feel all of that for what feels like hours, then suddenly, I feel nothing. Everything shuts down and I feel myself slip away from this world. Is this what dying feels like? 

"Hello everyone. I am the creator of this character and his story. This is the first story of hopefully many. This is also my first time writing a story and sharing it with the world, so hopefully you all enjoy it. I plan on updating this story as often as possible. I already know where this story is headed, and got the first few chapters mapped out. All constructive criticism is welcomed with open arms. If anyone have any ideas for future chapters they would like to see, feel free to inbox me and share them. I hope you all enjoy my story. Thanks for reading" 

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