The Experiment: Part 2

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Martin woke up the next morning, excited for what's going to happen within the next few hours. He rushed downstairs to prepare the lab room and the few machines he needed. He decided to run a few tests on Jaden to make sure nothing went wrong. Martin hooked his nearly dead son into a brain scanner to monitor his brain activity. The computer screen read 0% and for just a few seconds, Martin felt his heart shatter. He quickly got over it, knowing his son will return to him within the next few hours. The brain scanner showed signs of electricity and radiation in his brain. Martin assumed it was left over from the explosion that caused his son to be in his current condition, so he thought nothing of it. He fired up the machine that was going to save his son's life. It is designed to directly inject his serum into his son's brain to restore it. Before starting the machine, he quickly sent up a prayer, hoping and wishing for his experiment to work. Then he began. 

Jaden's Pov 

So this is what dying feels like. I feel peaceful. Suddenly, I felt as if everything I ever learned in life came back to me. I can remember everything. I remember the first breath I took and the first word I said. I can even remember my mother's scent as she held me close to her, minutes before she died from my birth. What's happening? Is this apart of dying? My brain felt energized and more powerful than it ever was before. A door suddenly appeared before me. It looked kind of like my laboratory door. Should I go through it? Where is it going to take me? I think to myself for just a few seconds before opening the door. A bright light immediately blinds me. I continue walking inside the door, feeling more awake with every step. I open my eyes and look around. Everything looks blurry for a few seconds before becoming clearer. 

"J-Jaden? Are you really awake? Please wake up." My head suddenly snaps to the left. Standing there with tears in his eyes was my father. But that's impossible. I'm dead... I think. 

"Dad? What happened? Are you really here?" My father looks at me and I can almost feel the emotion coming from him. But the only thing I can think about is, how am I still alive?  Dad pulls me into a hug. Tears are pouring from his eyes. I'm trying to wrap my head around being brought back to life, but I guess it was too much because my head started hurting. "Dad, how did you do it? This is scientifically impossible, not that I'm not grateful" 

"After I found you lying in a pool of blood, I took you the hospital wing to find out what's wrong. I refused to believe you were dead, so I immediately went to work on waking you up." Dad went over to my lab desk. "These are all the notes I took. You can look at them if you want later. But for now. I think we should go out to celebrate." My vision suddenly goes black and the pain in my head increases. Then all the lights go out. 

"Back up power started. Welcome back Mr. Jackson" The robot I invented standing there suddenly powered on. I guess when the power went out, his reserve power brought him online to fix it. 

"I guess bringing you back from the dead put a strain on our power supply. I must have used a lot of electricity for this machine. We can worry about it later though, I want you to rest up for dinner tonight." 

"Sure. My head is killing me anyway. I'm too tired to move, so I'll just rest here."

"I love you son." My dad held onto me, not wanting to let me go and neither did I. 

"I love you too dad." I responded before falling under the spell of the Sandman. I know I just woke up, but I am really exhausted. 

3 Hours Later

My eyes slowly open up. The lights are back on and are irritating my eyes. "Stupid lights. Why can't I turn you off from here?" The light then suddenly goes off and I gasp in shock. I sit there in complete confusion. How did I do that?  

My dad suddenly turns around the corner, laughing to himself. "You might not be able to turn them off, but I can. You ready to go?" 

I sit there for a few more seconds in embarrassment before responding, "Sure. I'm just gonna go take a shower and get dressed." I get up to leave the lab, stopping for a second to scold myself. You don't have powers idiot. Why would you even think that? I then laugh at myself, just for thinking I could even have powers. 

"Well I hope you all enjoyed reading the third chapter of my story. It's a tad bit shorter than the previous two, but I hope you still liked it. Feel free to comment your opinions on the story, just be nice about it. If you would like to know more about the story, or Jaden and his family, feel free to ask. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day." 

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