A Dark Void

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Why can't i feel anything? Am I dead? I'm scared. I just want my dad. Why did I do that stupid experiment?  All of these thoughts are going through my head, but I can't seem to answer them. Maybe this empty black void is the afterlife. There's nothing but this for the rest of eternity. I guess I'll have more time to think of things I'll never get a chance to build. 

"Do not worry my child." Who said that? Where is that voice coming from? "You are not dying or dead. Although you should be dead, some greater force is keeping you alive. Do not worry though, you will be alright. You're dad will revive you and you will live. It will take a while so get comfortable. Anything you imagine in here will appear. Now, I must warn you, things will be different for you. I'm sure you'll figure out how to handle it since you're so smart. Just remember to stay true to yourself and stay on the path of righteousness." 

"If you say so Mr. Disembodied Voice." I respond as I think how crazy this all is. Everyone knows, once you die, there is no going back. But I'm not dead? How can I not be dead? I must be so desperate for answers and hope, that I imagined the voice. I'm sure dad knows I'm not coming back and will pull the plug eventually. He will probably grieve for a few days, then pull the plug. I just hope he knows I love him. I also hope he takes care of Kevin. I put a lot of effort into building that robot. 

Outside of Jaden's head....

Martin (Jaden's dad) is woken out of his sleep by a loud explosion. By this time, he is used to his son's experiments exploding and thinks nothing of it. He looks at the time and starts making his way to his sons lab, stopping for a second to get two cups of coffee. 

"I hope you didn't mess up too bad. Your work can always be saved." He calls out as he makes his way into the lab. He suddenly stops in his tracks. Horrified of the sight in front of him. His son is lying next to the wall, blood pooled around him and pieces of metal stuck in his chest. 

He rushes to his sons side. Fighting the tears threatening to come out his eyes. He kneels beside his son and speaks, almost begging. "Jaden, wake up. Please wake up. Don't do this to me son. I can't lose you too." At this point, the dam holding Martin's tears in collapses. They come pouring out as he begs his son to wake up. He comes to the realization that he needs help, and takes him to the lab's hospital room. He carefully places his son on the bed and goes to prep his machines for tests. 

After 5 long hours, Martin came to the conclusion that his son was gone. Nothing can bring him back. He's officially dead. "No. I refuse to accept this. Nothing is going to take my son away from me. I will bring him back. I promise you Jaden." His father leaves the room with determination in his eyes. He goes back into the lab, determined to bring his son back to him. He needs to get his son's heart beating again. He thinks of everything that might be able to help. He suddenly thought about using Celecium. It's an element not found on this planet. It was discovered by Martin and his deceased wife before Jaden was born. They kept all of it hidden, fearing what the rest of the world would do to it. If Martin combined it with electricity, that should wake Jaden up. He immediately starts working, never stopping except to eat and sleep, but only when absolutely necessary. He even powered on Kevin to help him with his experimental remedy. 

It's been nearly a month now. The calendar reads December 12, 2015. Martin believes everything is completed and begins preparing Jaden for the experiment the next day. "I will finally have my son back. I made him a promise, and nothing is going to prevent it" Martin went to sleep happy that night, knowing what tomorrow will bring him. 

Back in Jaden's head

It feels like I've been here for years. I never know when the day starts or when it ends. I figured I would have been moved on from this place when dad pulled the plug. At least I could keep myself entertained. The disembodied voice was right when he said I could imagine anything in here. I've been constantly going to different amusement parks since I've been here. 

 "Your time has finally come my child. It's time for you to leave this place, but in time you will learn how to come back." Oh great. That disembodied voice is back with his lies. "At this very moment, your father is preparing your body for the experiment to bring you back." I must be very desperate to leave if I'm imaging him again. "When you return, remember what I told you. Stay on the path of good. Do not let evil tempt you." With that the voice was gone again. 

Shortly after the voice disappeared, I felt something pulling me. It felt like my body was filled with energy. Then nothing. 

"So this is the second chapter of this story, and I'm feeling very confident about it. If there are any mistakes, please forgive me, and tell me what they are so that I have a chance to correct it. I hope you all enjoyed reading this. Have a great day." 

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