Back To Life

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January 13, 2016

"Knowledge is Power Jaden"  A voice whispers in the wind. Finding a home in Jaden's ears. 

"Huh? Who said that?" I must be imagining things. It almost sounded like the voice from the black void. But what did he say? I think to myself briefly before finally getting out of bed. Today's the day I finally go back to school. Since I woke up, I've been catching up on my schoolwork online. I would have thought it would have been a lot harder to get caught up (seeing as how I was just on my deathbed) but surprisingly, I got caught up within a day and spent the rest of my time studying future lessons. Was my classes always this easy? It probably was. Anyways I'm gonna go shower, so we'll resume when I get to school. 

Everyone's eyes are on me. Looking at me, as if I was some escaped experiment gone wrong. They must have wondered why I suddenly disappeared, and then suddenly returning now. Maybe they think I'm just a new student. "Who is that?" "Is he new?" "I think he's kinda cute" "I wonder what's for lunch." I hear their voices clearly, but no one around me opened their mouths. I continue walking up the stairs to the office to retrieve my schedule. Dad switched me into the advanced classes, convinced that I'm ready for it. I have Computer Science, World History, Calculus, Latin, Gym, and Theater. The last two classes are for my entertainment. 

I walk out, attempting to find Computer Science before the late bell rings. I almost regret not asking for directions. "Do you need help kid?" I turn around to answer the unknown voice. The guy standing in front of me looks to be approximately 71 .32 inches tall. His skin almost the color of dark chocolate, and his hair cut short and pitch black. 

"I would love some help, if you don't mind. By the way, my name is Jaden." I extended my hand out for him to shake. He looks at me with amusement on his face for a second before shaking my hand. 

"I'm Bryson. Let me see your schedule. I'll be your tour guide." I passed him my schedule and he looked at it, then looked at me confused. "You're in the 11th grade? You look so young. So it seems like we have 2nd, 3rd, and 5th period together. We also have lunch together before 4th period, so you can sit with me. I'll take you to your locker first." We begin walking the opposite way I was going. He pointed out all the many different classes we passed. "How old are you anyway? You look too young to be in the 11th grade." 

"I'm 15, but I skipped a grade. My dad wanted to challenge me, so he made the school place me in a grade higher. He's been challenging me for the past 2 months." I decided to leave out the part where I died for obvious reasons. We finally arrived to my locker, which is about a 5 minute and 28.7 second walk from the office. 

We finally reached my 1st period class nearly 4.32 minutes later. When we entered, all eyes were once again on me. I can feel them silently judging me. Wondering who I am, and why was I late. "Sorry he's late Mr. Stringer, I was showing him to his locker first. See ya later Jaden." 

"Well thanks for being such a generous guide Bryson. He'res a pass, hurry to your class. Now young man, please introduce yourself to the class and take a seat next to Ashley. Ashley please raise your hand." I seen a girl quickly raise her hand. She had light brown hair, and her skin reminded me of a slightly roasted marshmallow. 

"Umm, well my name is Jaden and I'm 15 years old." I quickly went to the seat next to Ashley, but not before hearing a few whispers as I passed. "Cute and smart." "Great. Another nerd." "What did he say his name was?" "Did his eyes just flash blue?" The last question was a little weird, but once again, I didn't see anyone's mouth move. Let's get this day over with already. 

Seeing as how much I really hate school scenes, I'm going to skip the rest of it, but there will be more later. Let's head home now. "This message was brought to you by Walmart. Save Money. Live Better." 

Bryson decided to give me a ride after school since he lives 5 houses away from me. We really bonded during the time we spent at school. I found out he liked football and was the school captain. "Thanks for the ride Bryson. And for showing me around the school." 

"Sure, no problem. Here's my number if you need a ride to school tomorrow." He passed me a piece of paper with his number on it. "Also, if you need someone to just hang with, you're welcomed to join me and my friends."

"Wow, thanks dude. I'll see you tomorrow then. Bye." I got out of his car and went inside the house. After a boring day at school, I think i deserve to do something exciting. Maybe I'll go update one of my inventions or build something new. 

I then seen Kevin coming out of the kitchen with a bag of chips and a can of soda, which he offered to me. I gladly accepted it, quickly drinking my favorite soda, Cherry Pepsi. "Welcome back Mr. Jackson. How was school? Not to difficult I assume." 

"Everything went well. Classes were easy, so I won't protest going back. And i believe I've made a new friend already. His name is Bryson. But enough about that, how's the lab? That new Celepcium energy core didn't explode did it? If the test is successful tomorrow, I'm sure it'll be a cleaner and more efficient energy source." We walk down into the lab and Kevin bring out the energy core. 

"The power levels are steady and the stasis field you're using is holding it all together nicely. There is a 97.92% chance that the tests will be successful." 

"Hmm. What will happen if the stasis field fails? What are the risks?" 

"Well, the good news is, only two-thirds of the world will be immediately affected. The bad new is, the people affected will be obliterated. But the worst news is, those that weren't affected immediately, will slowly mutate into horrible disfigured mutants, whose death would be so slow and agonizing that they'll attempt to kill their selves, but due to their mutations, there would be no way to successful do it. In conclusion, the risks are high, but I believe you can do this." I just look at him in horror as I imagine what would happen if I failed. 

"I think that's enough for tonight. Can you please run every possible test tonight to ensure that we succeed? Goodnight Kevin." 

"Goodnight Jaden." 

I go upstairs with more questions than when I woke up. I know that I have a lot to think about tonight. Why could I hear people talking without them moving their lips? Am I still hallucinating voices? How do I make sure no one gets hurt tomorrow?  I'll probably answer all of these questions tomorrow. I am really exhausted. Goodnight guys. 

"Well that's the 4th chapter. I admit, it's a little weird, but that's all on purpose. I hope everyone enjoyed reading it. I'm also looking for a co-author and an artist to help me. Maybe even an editor. Well thanks for reading and have a good day." 

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