Alone (-Levi side-)

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I wake up at the same time, same face, same tone.

I usually get up but some reason, I rolled to the side. I just saw an empty spot that used to be my lover's spot, Petra. I miss her everyday.
"Levi, get over it! She's gone in a better place and your stuck in this living hell. It's been a year since she has died." I say to my self as I walked around my dirty place.

I head to the shower and got ready to help clean a jungle. I had to clean Mikasa's place.
I make some tea and got a book to read. I got my tea and my book then say on my rocking chair. I hear a knock as soon as I sat down. I let out a sigh.
"Tch, what does this abnormal want?" I say as I walk to the door.
I open it and see four eyes. What do you want now?
"Where is the abnormal?" Hanji says and looks around.
"Right here" as I say that, I slam the door but it didn't close.
Dam brat! Get lost!
I just don't care anymore. I walk to my chair and sip some tea.
"Nice try Levi! Oh so clean!"
I look over my shoulder to see mud on my floor and I sigh.
"Your shoes...clean up that mess. Tch, brat get out."
Hanji takes of her shoes and makes a mess in my house already. She tries to look for a mop.
"No wonder you need glasses. You can't find a mop! It's my closet."
"Oi, oi! Don't throw a fit shorty! I got it, ok!" Hanji says while cleaning up the mess.

I go to my room and change into my cleaning wear and as I turn around,I see Hanji with a cup drinking tea. She's leaned back on the door way imitating how I hold my cups.
"Oi brat! Hurry up!" She says in a deep voice imitating my voice.
"Do you mind privacy? You did just invade my privacy, Mr. Ackerman." I say in a high pitched voice and rolled my eyes.
Hanji gets out of character and laughs and says "Oh! Being you is so much fun!"
Hanji leaves and I head to Mikasa's place. I see her close the door and Annie, Armin, and Eren heading out.
What are they up to? If they hurt someone I can punish them...I do have that power.
I start cleaning with Mikasa.
It's almost an hour. I see Mikasa go to her room
Tch, abandon your cleaning duty, what a brat.
I knock on her room.
"Oi! What are doing?" I ask.
"Just a minute sir! I'm busy at the moment!" I heard Mikasa reply.
I turn the door knob and  I see Mikasa. Almost naked... Changing..
Shit, that's another reason why I'm going to hell...
I close the door. And finish cleaning.
And I left. I saw Mikasa heading out.
I went home and changed. I head to the stands. When I arrived I saw Mikasa crying on the ground.
Dam brats, hurting people
"Oh hi captain Levi." Armin blurted out.
"Oi! Brats, what did you do?"
Annie answered "Eren broke mikasa's heart..."
"All of you did! Not just Eren, all of you. And all you three, when we get back you guys are gonna do 50 laps!"
"Yes sir!" They all screamed.
Don't mess with a girls heart, even I know that. Poor Mikasa. I knew Eren wasn't the one for her and yet he plays with her heart. That brat!
I got home with some tea and cleaning sprays. I just sat on my bed staring at Petra's badge for 25 minutes until I heard a knock.
I snapped out of it and walked to the door to see Mikasa crying holding out a box of tea. I was shocked that she took her time to walk over to me.
"Come in."
She's sobbing. Crying. I take the box of tea and boil water. I gave her a box of tissues. When the water was done boiling, I gave her a cup of tea. I sat across her.
She stood up and walked over to me.
What is she doing?
I stood up from my seat and backed off. She kept walking to me, still crying. I reached the wall and Mikasa just put her head on my chest. It felt like she enjoyed being close to me...
Mikasa?? I-is she...what is she doing?
Without thinking, I hugged her. Trying to comfort her. I look down and saw a small smile on her face and she was blushing lightly. I smiled. Panicking, not knowing what to do, I just pat her head. Saying "There, there. It's gonna be fine I think- I mean I know it"
I heard footsteps coming out of the bedroom door and I look over just to see Hanji stretching and yawning
"That was a good rest!-" Hanji yelled while stepping out of my room.
"Shit..." I whispered.
"E-eh?? Le-Levi is with Mikasa?? Am I drunk?" Hanji says in confusion.
Mikasa turned her head to Hanji.
"OOOOH!!! She's blushing! What a match made in heaven! This is happening way to sooner than I thought!" Hanji squealed in excitement.
"SHE'S GONA BE A MRS. ACKERMAN! OOOOH MY MOTHER OF TITANS!" Hanji screams in excitement running around my house.
"Oi, abnormal! Shut it! Keep a secret! Dammit." I try to calm her down.
What will she do when we head back from our break on our job?
Yep! I hoped you enjoy my first two chapters k ever made! Don't judge as it is my first time! And yea! This will get juicier the more I update it! So yep. I really want to try to upload two chapters a day but I think I'm not that creative so bleh! I just write down what I think sounds good and just try to put it in my own words so hehe. I think Hanji is hardcore shipping these two. So if you see a Levi x ______ the Hanji will be the first to find out and ship it other than readers lel! I'm only doing the main characters view like Mikasa's or Levi's so yep. Idk what to do so message me or comment on chapters of suggestions :p
Oki so bye shippers! Jk idk but bye
Idk what that is lel bye

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