Invation //Mikasa's Side/

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Levi left so I decide to read.

"E-excuse me? Are you there Mikasa?"
Who is it?
"Yes I am! Who's there?"
I open the door.
I see Historia holding out a rolled up sheet of paper.

"Le-Levi wanted me to give invitations for his new squad memebers. One was for you!"

I gently take the paper.
"Alright thanks!"
"No problem! And if there is any questions, go to Hanji or Levi! Bye mikasa!"
"Bye Historia!" I exclaimed while waving my hand.
She walked along and I closed the door.
I un-roll the paper to see Levi's handwriting.
I read it.
"Cadet Mikasa, you are invited to my new squad. Handpicked and carefully reviewed, with this much skill in fighting. You are indeed ready to join me. If you have trouble, go to my office or hanji's office and speak with us. You must bring the paper. If you reject this, I will send this to a different solider. Please check the boxes and sign your name to prove this is you. If you have any things to add about yourself, please write it down. Thank you.
Captain Levi

Check boxes!
⬜️ I am willing to fight with you and help humanity fight back
⬜️️ No I will not. I don't feel strong enough to join. I'm sorry
⬜️ I will listen and obey to your orders!
⬜️ I said that would mean I will not obey and listen to your orders!
——————————• Sign here. Feel free to add anything about yourself here •————————————"
Me? Handpicked by Levi...
I go to my desk with the paper and pull out a pen and color in the boxes.
"Check boxes!
◼️I am willing to fight with you and help humanity fight back
⬜️️ No I will. I don't feel strong enough to join. I'm sorry
◼️I will listen and obey to your orders!
⬜️ I said that would mean I will not obey your and listen to your orders!"
I signed my name on the line.
"Mikasa AckermanSign here. Feel free to add anything about yourself here • None Sir!"
I sigh and think.
Why am I picked? You know what...ill join from curiosity.
I roll up the paper and put it away. I go to bed.
I woke up and put my uniform on. I grab the paper and walk to the door. I grab my dorm key and head to Levi's office.
Is he awake? I is way too early! It's before breakfast!
I knocked on the door and hear Levi say.

"Name and business!"

"Mikasa Ackerman! I'm here to drop off a paper!" I respond.
He opens the door. I hold out the paper. "Alright thank you. You may be dissmissed."
I leave and head to breakfast.
Author-chan's notes

Meep meep looks who's back! Well...I just got back from a long day of selling food so whatever. Ya-de-Ya-De-Ya-Da no one wants to hear that! So I worked on this chapter while trying to fall asleep last night. So meep. Uhhh plz follow me plz. Errrrrr...ideas plz! Oki thx 4 watching! Wait wrong thing! Thx 4 reading :D

Mikasa x Levi || You were there the whole time...Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora