Help me (author's note)

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Hey guys it's me, gabby.

I have something to say. I have lost my interest on writing, I'm busy with homework and I'm trying to get by in school. Also I've been distracting with something. Not gonna name any names but...Thanks Eris, Miyuki, and Akari for distracting me! But it's alright i love a good RP. But once in a while a break would be good. But a break really long is just bad. I'll try to make up a schedule but I'll get opinions first.

Don't get offended Miyuki, Akari, and Kira- Eris.
I barely do anythings with my OCs so it is fun to play around with them.

I'll try to find something that will spark some interest in my writing piece.

Thank you for following the development of this Mikasa X Levi story.

Sorry I just really love Yandere Simulator

Senpai notice me

And it would be sooooo nice of you guys to leave nice comments so I could possibly find interest in writing.

Goodbye my.........friends. Peace~

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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