Training //Mikasa's side//

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We have to get back from our little vacation and I had to start training and fighting again.

This is gonna be weird seeing Eren...
Nothing can go wrong.
When I arrived at the training center I saw Eren already working out. I head off to a silent and lonely spot. I start doing stretches.
I see Levi walking up to me
Dammit...I wanted to be alone.
"Oi! Why aren't you with everybody?"
"U-um I wanted to be alone..."
Levi stretched right next to me. We start doing our regular workout like push-ups and crunches. I did some air punches and squats.
"E-eh? Levi and Mikasa working out together? Small steps, shorty!"
I heard a familiar voice from behind. I felt cold wet hands on my shoulder, being frighten I turn around ready to fight someone. I realized it was just Hanji.
"What do you mean abnormal? She was alone...what do expect? Wouldn't it be suspicious of a solider training alone?" Levi replied.
I drank water and tried to walk away.
I struggled and turned my head seeing Levi grabbing my hand.
"Go to my office...after this..."
Levi? Office? Single? Alone? What??
Everyone taking breaks and heading to the dorms to relax, I head to Levi's office.
I knock on the door.
"Name and Business" Levi hollered.
"Cadet Mikasa. I'm here because you asked me to..." I say.
He opens the door and pokes his head out looking around.
"Did Hanji follow you?" Levi asked.
"No sir."
Levi sat me down.
"Yesterday...why did you walk towards me?"
"Oh...I...I wanted to be comforted and you were the only one near..."
What was I thinking!
Levi stood up and told me to wait. So I did.
I took a look around and got up from my seat. I got a book to read. I read it as I waited for him. I was so into the book not realizing Levi was behind me...
I felt warm hands on my wrist making me to close the book.
"Hey!" I blurted out.
Levi grabbed me and pinned me to the wall.
"Captain Le-Levi..." I say stuttering.
Levi got interrupted.
"Oi! You there, Levi! Knock knock open up!" We heard a knock on the door.
"Name and business!"
"Hanji Zoe! Here to see you!" I heard
"That's not important!"
"Joking! But where is Mikasa?"
Why is she looking for me?
"Hehe! Is she with you?" Hanji asked curiously.
"She's cleaning with me! Now get out!"!
"Yeah sure, 'cleaning'. I'll leave you guys alone" Hanji said and left.
Levi gently kissed my cheek and said
I left and went to my dorm, blushing like crazy while touching my cheek...

Author's note:
That's all folks! Short and sweet...idk what this is but I enjoy it lel...oki I'll update quite soon!

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