15- Trigger Warning

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For real this time though, this chapter does contain torture scenes. Wait, no- it is a torture scene. So, if you aren't comfortable with extremely detailed descriptions of Sans ripping out your intestines o whatever he's gonna do, then just wait till the next chapter. So ye.

(Although it does contain major plot device so *shrugs*. Anyways here ya go.)

(ALSO also, I apologize for the above tears you may have. Cuz I did 😢)

Sans slammed you against the wall, using his magic to hold you by the neck like he was using the Force. He slammed you against another wall, and another. You felt a bone snap somewhere in your left arm, and let out a cry of pain.

"What, did that hurt, ya little bitch!" Sans yelled, slamming you hard against another wall along with every word with extra force behind it, "did that make you feel sorry for anything you did? No, you wouldn't. Hahe, you know, I thought the people down here monsters, but you really take the cake!"

He slammed you against the wall one last time, then let you drop to the floor. You opened your mouth, gasping for breath like a fish out of water, and felt a small trickle of blood running from your nose. Your left arm was limp, twisted at an odd angle and hurting like hell. Your eyes moved spastically, not really seeing anything, your vision blurring in and out of focus.

You felt yourself moving, floating into midair. Suddenly, you felt your left arm snap back into place, and let out another shriek as the pain surged through your body.

"Oh, calm down. You'll be fine in a few hours," Sans muttered, lowering you down onto a table. It had restraints on it, which he attached to your arms and legs, but not before he removed your hoodie. Your face was bright red from the pain, the blood stream from your nose making its way down your neck. Your ears were laying flat against your head like they were trying to disappear into your skull and hide in the closet with your conscience.

"You know, when we found you, I never thought you would try to kill everyone. You were so small, smaller than any other human that had arrived. It was amazing you had survived," Sans said, his face not smiling for once, "and you know, I always thought that you'd never be able to kill anyone. You were too weak."

     Sans walked over to a cabinet against the wall. It was full of all sorts of painful torture instruments, a few of which Papyrus had used on you for misbehaving. But it had never been Sans before. You winced slightly as he grabbed your left arm. It had partially healed very fast, but was still very sore.

You were brought off from that train of thought when you felt a searing sense of pain from your left arm. You screamed as loud as you could, your vision blacking out for a second. As your eyes wandered spastically, you caught a glimpse at what Sans was doing: he was using a saw to slowly and painfully saw off part of your left arm. A couple of seconds later you heard the sound of metal scraping against bone, and felt it too. It was a very unpleasant feeling, though you were currently too busy screaming to pay much notice to it.

As soon as the saw started slicing through the bone, you started screaming even louder. Whenever you had last been punished, there were always precautions to make sure that no one heard you. Now, though, with everyone dead, there was no need for the revengeful Sans to take such measures.

Sans finished cutting through your arm, leaving you with nothing below your elbow. He rested the bloody saw down on a nearby small table with wheels, wiping his bony hands a bit on a piece of red cloth. He made his way over to the cabinet and brought out a jar halfway full of some kind of ant.

"I have no idea what these are called, but I do know they're painful to those with skin," Sans said, placing the jar right next to your head. You had seen it before, once or twice when you peaked around Papyrus's shoulder. They came from the surface, and were apparently so painful one monster almost passed out from being bitten by one.

Sans lifted the jar and paused before unscrewing the top.

"You know, we should have just killed you like the human that came after you," he said, before lifting off the top and pouring the ants into your chest.

The pain was immediate, like bullets ripping through your flesh in a thousand different places. You writhed, trying to dislodge the ants with the stump of an arm you had left, but to no avail. It was like a thousand third degree burns all over your body at once, only ten times worse. You passed out from the pure pain of it just five minutes later.

Frisk walked back to Snowdin, looking for you. They had checked everywhere else on the way, and found no sign of anyone. The only place left he could have taken you was in his house.

They walked through the front door, which was unlocked. They heard loud screaming and sprinted down into the basement, just as you passed out from the pain.

Immediately, thy attacked Sans, grabbing the edge of his broken skull and shoving him against the wall.

"What the- dammit!" He yelled, and attempted to shove Frisk away from you. Frisk shoved back, and quickly released you from your restraints. Before they could grab the last one though, Sans grabbed them by the shoulder and slammed them against the wall. The yelling and scuffle woke you, and you sat up to see Sans standing over Frisk with a bloody saw in hand.

MWAHAHAHAHA! Another cliffhanger! I am evil author :3
Also, 983 words yaYA!

     First day of high school. Pray for me, children. Unless you're not religious in which case, ya know, just pray to the Annoying Dog or whatever.

     Anyways remember, reality is an illusion the universe is a lie buy gold BYE PERSONS!
~Time Shadow

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