22- Something's Different

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Hello. How is you? Sorry for not updating a lot recently, I've had a lot on my mind (and a pupper in my lap).

     "It's been a while," you said, absentmindedly picking the petals off of one of the golden flowers you were laying on, your tail swishing the flowers away next to you

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     "It's been a while," you said, absentmindedly picking the petals off of one of the golden flowers you were laying on, your tail swishing the flowers away next to you. "Think they'll come down this time? Or are they just going to stay up there? I would. Don't know why anyone would want to come back down here."

     "Oh, t-they're going to come back. I just know it. Nothing this good can ever l-last long," Flowey sighed. You looked at the poor flower pityingly, giving him a reassuring pat on the head.

"Also, can you please stop mutilating that flower? It's making me slightly uncomfortable," Flowey said.

"Sorry about that." You placed the remains of the flower next to you, giving it a solemn pat to thank it for its sacrifice. You gave a big sigh and placed your arms behind your head, lying down and staring back up at the ceiling. That's when you noticed a shadowy figure peer down from above. With out so much as a word, you picked up the boot Flowey was in and ran back to goat mom Toriel's house, hoping to warn her before it was too late.

"What are you talking about, child?"

"Mom, I'm telling you- this human is dangerous. We have to run away and hide before they get here. They'll stop at nothing to destroy us all, and I can't let that happen to you agai- sigh... I just can't let that happen." You implored her to run away and hide with you, anything to save her life, but she insisted that she would stay behind and try to stop them. You tried to explain to her that the human couldn't be killed, but she refused to listen.

"But please, child, for me, promise me you will and survive. I can't go with me, but I want you to hide in the forest outside this door. I am fully aware that it is dangerous for you, but from what you have said if you stay, you will die."

"But mom..."

"No buts. I'm going to give you the only key to the door between Snowdin and here. Come back and knock on the door in two day's time. If I am alive, I will answer the door. If not, then I want you to come and live in safety in here, and not open the door to anyone." Toriel handed you a hand- knitted bag packed full of various foods, a blanket, a first-aid kit, and a few changes of warm clothes. She gave you one last suffocating hug, both of you crying slightly as you tried one last time to convince her not to face the child alone. She gave you a small smile and chuckled slightly, before pushing you out the door and into the snowy cold of the area around Snowdin.

You looked around yourself, shivering slightly in the cold. You opened up your bag, temporarily putting Flowey down, and rifled through it, grabbing a sweater and putting it on. It was black with a red skeleton design on it, which you thought was rather ironic considering. Your wolf ears perked up as you heard crunching footsteps coming down the path, and climbed up a tree a small ways into woods to hide while still being able to watch for monsters.

The sound of footsteps suddenly stopped. You tried to peak through the branches to look at the path, but couldn't see anyone.

"sup, kiddo?" A voice said right on the back of your neck. Startled, you jumped and fell out of the tree, landing straight onto your face.

"i know ya don't like me kid, but that's me reason to be falling over yourself to get away," the voice said.

"WHATSAWHOOZIT," you exclaimed, looking up to see a grinning Sans sitting in the tree. His sharp teeth glinted in the light, and even though he was always smiling, you had the sense that he was laughing at you.

"what are you doing here? i thought you decided to try and stop the human," Sans said. You could tell he was smirking at you, and glared at him.

"Yeah, well, I have a plan and I don't have to explain myself to you," you huffed. Standing up and wiping the snow off yourself, you started to stomp away.

"hey, aren't you forgetting something?" Sans said. You whirled around to see him clutching Flowey by the stem right next to the head.

"Hey! Let him go!" You made a move to try and grab him, but Sans was out of your reach. You stomped on the ground, upset, unsure how to get Flowey back, when you had an idea.

Squatting down, you grabbed a handful of snow, packed it into a ball, and chucked it at his face. It smacked him square in the jaw, making him drop Flowey as he clutched onto to tree so as not to fall off. You sprinted over and grabbed Flowey just before he hit the ground, giving reassuring pets to the now probably traumatized flower. You give Sans a glare before turning around with a "hmph!" and walking away.

     903 words yaYA!
No I didn't forget that the Reader was a human-wolf hybrid shhh you know nothing.

     As always, remember, reality is a lie the universe is an illusion buy gold BYE PERSONS!
     ~Time Shadow

My Little Puppy (Fell!Sans x Wolf!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now