It's All Kaz's Fault

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FOR ONCE IN HIS LIFE, things were going pretty normal for him. He was at his coffee shop again, drinking it plain black. Henry and Dana were at it again, with Muzzen and Paja egging both sides on individually. For once, the mafia wasn't right there, Jesper wasn't turning him the shade of a stop sign, he wasn't worried Inej was going to fall to her very bad and painful death from a seventy-four story building, Nina and Matthias weren't exchanging love confessions (and ultimately making him feel like a very dedicated pervert), and Kaz wasn't appearing out of nowhere. Life was going pretty well.

"Hello Wylan."

"What the fuck!" He slammed his coffee down onto the table loudly and stared at Kaz's figure in front of him, which had definitely not been there before. Screw what he had been thinking earlier - he was never going to be free of Kaz's ability to stalk everybody at the same time.

Kaz frowned. "I was positively loud that time," he told Wylan. "You could hear my footsteps."

Wylan exhaled slowly, letting his heart rate return to normal before he died from a heart attack. 'Killed by Kaz Brekker's silence', he mused in his head, wouldn't be a very bad label for his gravestone.

"No Kaz," Wylan said inhaling now. "You were not 'positively' loud. I'm not sure you're positively anything."

Kaz considered this silently for a while before giving the tiniest grin that made him look a little less than human. "That might not be entirely inaccurate."

Keeping both eyes on Kaz, Wylan slowly lifted his coffee to his lips again and drank a couple more sips. Kaz on the other hand, lazily scanned the room before sitting down in the chair on the other side of him. Wylan bit his lip and didn't say anything.

"So is there a reason to why you're here?" Wylan finally ventured to ask. Kaz examined Wylan carefully, before looking behind him in a strangely paranoid fashion. "Do you need help with anything?"

Kaz scoffed, before making a strange hand gesture at the window that looked a bit like a deranged crow. Was he signaling to Inej? "I wouldn't ask you for help. I would blackmail it out of you."

Wylan chose not to say anything to that.

Seconds later, Inej walked into the coffee shop casually before scanning the room out and seeing the two of them there. Wylan watched as Inej sat down next to Kaz and he figured that this was probably the part where they told him not to hurt Jesper or they'd murder him. That was pretty much how every ridiculous romcom worked anyway.

"Hi Wylan," she greeted cheerfully and Wylan shot her a nice smile, reminded of why he liked Inej more than her boyfriend/crush/vandalizing hooligan he had never actually seen doing anything criminal. "It's nice to see you here."

"It's great to see you too," Wylan responded smiling. "Lately I've been a little busy."

She pursed her lips, and Wylan's brow creased as he realized that Inej hadn't looked at Kaz a single time during the conversation. "I heard of the mafia wedding rehearsal and everything. If something goes wrong, just call us and we'll answer immediately."

"Thanks," Wylan said gratefully, taking another long sip out of his coffee cup. "Also, I don't think I ever actually thanked you for getting me out of the mafia building the first time. I was absolutely terrified of that place and you guys really helped." He looked at Kaz (who was subtly looking at Inej) and Inej (who was determinedly staring Wylan in the face and nowhere else).

Inej nodded serenely. "Nina and I have a tradition of going out to a pretty small waffle place called the Barrell every Friday. You're invited, if you want to come."

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