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step one:

- split the group up; wylan and kaz go into Jan's office to find evidence of corruption

- jesper and nina find the servants and jan;s location, they wait for signal

- inej - as second in command - goes to tell matthias and the mafia the plan, then she heads to the nearest waffle house and waits for kaz's signal

step two:

- matthias and the mafia begin transitioning stuff by going back tot he Dregs and collecting evidence to be planted [when they reach, they drop the WiFi blocker for five minutes]

- kuweii comes along, they grab evidence of all the blackmail

- kaz takes the five minute WiFi drop to text Jesper and Nina to begin transitioning the servatns back

step three:

- WiFi blocker gets put back up

- Matthias and company start coming back to the manor

- Nina and Jes split up - Jes stays and helps sneak servants out, Nina returns tot he manor and begins to help the servants blend in

step four:

- matthias and company reach the manor, drop the WiFi blocker for several minutes again

- Kaz tells Inej to make the phone call and come back, tells Jes to come back as well

- Matthias and company begin to transition all the stuff, Kaz and Wylan help

- Amidst all the chaos, the hitmen start sneaking out (Rollins has realized what is going on, but cannot reach Jan because of WiFi problems)

step five

- Jes arrives, moves the body downstairs

- Matthias and Nina organizes mafia and servants, mafia takes up old position hiding around the outside of the manor, Nina works on cover stories with servants, running through lines

- the dead/unconscious body is moved downstairs, room it used to be in was cleaned and covered

step six

- inej just barely arrives, they run for Wylan's room and pretend to have been there all along because there is no time to leave

- Jan and police arrive at the same time, Van Eck tries to brush everything off but the servants reveal the body

step seven

- palpable evidence forces police to all investigate further

- Wylan and company leave room, pretend to have been there all along for a sleepover

- servants bring out corruption and blackmail evidence in office, Kuweii pulls out his own from a file in Van Eck's office

- furious, Van Eck says it all

- Kaz catches it on tape

- he goes to jail - everybody is happy!

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