Chapter 40

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"JACK JACK" Corbyn yells getting my attention

"Yeah?" I asked confused

"She dared you to do cartwheels into the pool" he spoke

"Oh okay" I said walking outside


Tuesday consisted of taking them to an amusement park and showing them some of LA.

Wednesday we rode in helicopters and Christina wanted to show them the Hollywood sign at sunset.

Thursday was full of questions they had so we could answer and mini photo shoots around LA.


Friday morning

"It was nice meeting you Jennifer" jack spoke as they all hugged watching her as she entered her gate to get home

"Daniel I will love you forever and ever" Aeren spoke as she latched on to Daniel before leaving

"June one last question, are you and Jack ever going to have kids?" Kaitlynn spoke

"I sure hope one day" June responding hugging her
She boarded her plane.

"Gracie, we will always be here for you darling" Zachs spoke as they hugged.

"See you one day in the future" she screamed while walking away


"Wow I love them" Christina said as she wrapped her arm around Corbyn torso

All 10 friends existed the airport, happy. Something they havent felt in a long time.

A couple days later

"Nooo of course, why would I care that my girlfriend committed us to something and didn't tell me?" Jack screamed but you could hear every word through the walls of his bedroom

"Why is it a big deal, she's just a little girl who needs a home" june screamed back

"But not here, we can find her a home. My life is just taking off and I can't take care of a daughter" he hollered while june sat their almost in tears

"She's not a dog Jack, she is a person" june screamed as her adrenaline was high

"Who is so young that someone will want her" jack spoke with no emotion in his voice

"Well then i will take care of her on my own. I'm not letting a little 4 year old girl, go into a foster home when my heart is big enough to love her" june said as she ran out his door slamming it walking into the living room

"Lena are you coming with me tomorrow?" June asked with anger in her voice not at Lena though

Lena shook her head no.

"Well can I have your other ticket please? She asked as her adrenaline calmed down.

Lena nodded in agreement while june ran to the little house and changed her clothes. Grabbing her keys and heading to the court house.


"Please all arise for Judge Williams-Mercer"

"Now mrs.Stacy Gonzales do you have someone that can have custody of your daughter?" The judge spoke

"Yes ma'am, her name is June Williams" Stacy spoke

"Mrs.June Williams will you please stand?" The judge asked

June stood in from her seat
The judge asked her questions about her life and family. Her age.

"I lost my mother when I was younger, due to suicide. but a friend of mine let her father play my mother and father figure when I was younger. Through this fatherly figure he taught me responsibility and ownership. Then I met 5 gentleman who have changed my life completely. They gave me the opportunity to live my life of discovering myself and abilities, to love and be loved. To know that at the end of the day, loving yourself is important but to love the people around you because they are your supporters and the shoulder you need sometimes to cry on. I never want to take the place as Danielle's Mother or Father, but I want her to be happy and have someone who can love her with compassion and teach her the rights from the wrongs. I'm sure a foster home could love her but they could never love her the way I could. I would love the opportunity to have Danielle be my saving grace more than I would be hers." June spoke, every word coming from the heart

Danielle had a special place in June's Heart and it became very obvious in that moment.

"You are aware, you will become her legal guardian. You are to take care of her every need and protect her at all costs." Judge spoke

"Yes ma'am" June spoke with compassion

"Okay then June Williams, you are now the official guardian of Danielle Gonzales" judge merger finished as she banged her gavel

They took away Stacy as she mouthed thank you to June. Stacy was getting locked up for 26 years to life.
They brought Danielle out of a room and brought her to June.

Judge merger walked out and approached June on an intimate level

"Wow you are just as beautiful as your mom said you'd be" judge spoke

"What do you mean?" June asked

"I'm your second aunt" she responded

"How do you know who I am?" June questioned

"You look just like her and have that fighter in you, the same way she did" the judge responded again

They chatted for a few more minutes when June asked if Danielle's last name could be changed to Williams and she agreed. June felt complete she just wished jack was there.

She hugged her second aunt and exchanged goodbyes as she picked Danielle up and was greeted at the double doors at the exit by everyone except Jack. They all hugged her and made her feel happy.

They all teased her about how they changed her life. Carter cried when June spoke about her father.

They all went to the house. June packed her belongings in 3 suit cases, Danielle had a suitcase from her mothers home. It was nearly 2 am and Danielle was asleep and so was everyone else. June grabbed her toddler seat and drove to the airport. She exchanged her tickets for a portion of her money back and began her long drive back to Florida.

They Go-Why Don't We BoysTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang