08 ☂ Backroom Fueds

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08 ☂ Backroom Fueds


The next day, Adrien slapped his hands down on the coffee-shop counter and looked Markl dead in the eye.

"I'll take the job."

The older man raised one greying eyebrow, putting his cleaning rag to the side and met Adrien's 8am frenzied-gaze. "I thought you'd bailed on me, after yesterday's exit." His voice was guarded, but Adrien prayed he was just testing his genuineness.

Adrien shook his head vigorously, "No, no, of course not! I just – ah, remembered that I had to pick up groceries for my mum."

"... uh-huh," Markl's eyebrow was no lower, but it seemed Adrien was off the hook for the moment. "Either way, Thursday's the only shift free. Come back then."

He nearly yowled in despair, thoughts of Théo climbing all over Marinette while he wasn't around fuelling his desperation. "Please, sir. I want to start today!" Markl opened his mouth like he was going to interrupt, but Adrien hurried on. "I don't mind if I don't get paid until Thursday! I just – I just want to get a feel for working here, for working with you and the other staff!" Adrien was practically begging, nearly halfway over the counter. "Let me work today!"

Silence reigned for a few moments. There were no customers in the shop at this hour, only Markl and another waiter wiping tables quietly near the window, dutifully keeping his head down. Even Adrien's feline friends waited for the verdict with bated breath.

After another second of awkward eye-contact, Markl finally relented.

"O-kay..." He looked apprehensive, but Adrien couldn't feel anything but gratefulness. Honestly, he'd kiss the ground the man walked on if it meant staying by Marinette's side.

"Thank-you, sir!"

"Just Markl's fine."

"Thank-you, Markl!"

"Go and get an apron."


Later that day, Marinette finished her lecture and headed for coffee with Alya. The weather was nice, with a slight breeze and warm sun, and the shop looked fairly busy as they turned into the alley.

"How's your design going, by the way?" Her inquisitive friend was as attentive as usual, and ready to crack the whip when they pushed open the glass door. "If everything goes to plan this morning, you might even – "

"Alya, wait." Mari latched onto the back of Alya's jacket as she realised what they'd walked into.

A wet dream.

"Good morning, ladies. Can I get you a table for two?"

She flat-lined. Before them, with a black apron wrapped low on his hips, stood the blond god from yesterday. Théo... was his name? His lips were turned into a wide grin, and his green eyes danced as his met Marinette's. Even one of his eyebrows was arched as he whipped out his notebook and pen, poised for their order.

"Actually, we have a private room down back," Alya stepped between them, completed unfazed as she covered Mari's ass, which was still in shock. "We'll order later."

"I see," he practically purred before flashing that million-watt grin again and stepping out of their way. "I'm looking forward to it." He held Mari's eyes a beat longer as Alya grabbed her arm, and half-dragged her towards a nondescript door beside the counter.

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