Chapter II

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"How was your first day at school?" Hanna's dad asked Hanna as they had dinner.

"I don't know, boring." Hanna mumled.

"How come?" Ashley asked.

"I have no friends." Hanna mumled.

"What about Aria, Emily and Spencer?" Tom asked.

"We don't talk together anymore. Besides, Aria is in Island." Hanna said, as she took another bite.

"Oh sweetie, you'll find another friends." Ashely smiled.

How could she find a new friends when everybody is talking about her lies? Or...are they lies? It's true about Alison, that she was admired her, and done everything what she wanted.

"Yeah I guess." Hanna mumled.

"What about you Tom? How was your day?"


After the dinner, Hanna went out for a walk. She went to her old house. All memories came to her, when she was younger, and older too. How much she loved that house. 

"Do you need help?" A woman around forty asked Hanna.

"Uhm...sorry. I used to live here, so I came just to check out." Hanna said.

"Oh it's okay. So you are the girl which belonged Caleb's room." The woman asked.

Hanna smiled, "I guess. If it was pink..."

"Yeah it was. He wasn't really happy about it. We had to paint all room all over again." The woman laughed.

"So you have a son?" Hanna asked.

"Yes, I have three sons actually." The woman smiled.

"Wow. I always wanted to have a sibling."

"Well it's kind a hard now." The woman mumled.

Hanna was about to ask why, but then she heard a man's voice.


Hanna turned around, and she found her classmate, Caleb, walking to the older woman.

"Caleb, this is Hanna. She used to live here. You are having her old bedroom actually." The woman smiled.

"We met already, in school." He mumled.

"I'm gonna clean up a little. Goodbye Hanna."

"Goodbye." Hanna smiled.

"What do you want?" Caleb asked her harshly.

"Excuse me?" Hanna raised her eyebrows.

"What are you doing in my house? Are you come here to make fun of me or what?"

"I didn't even know that you are living here. And no, I didn't come here to make fun of you." Hanna said calmly.

"Yeah sorry, you are the one who is keeping her mouth shut." He said angrily.

Hanna's eyes started to get watery, "You are an ass!" Hanna said and run away.

Caleb felt a little bad because of it. But what he heard, Hanna was just a bitch, like Alison.


Next day at school, Hanna's day was as usual. Nothing much. She went to her locker, where she found a note. She read it; Bitch!

Hanna looked around herself, and she saw three boys were laughing at her. Hanna throw the paper away, and run away. She bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry." They say at the exact time.

"'s you." Caleb sighed.

Hanna just looked at him and sighed. She doesn't say a word.

Caleb sighed too, "You okay?"

"Why do you even care? You think that I'm bitch, like all people in this stupid school think!" Hanna said and walked away.

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