Chapter VI

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Hanna and Caleb were walking through Philly streets.

"So you heard about our school trip?" Caleb started the new topic.

" No one told me about it." Hanna sighed, "I guess no one wants me there." She mumled.

"I want you there." Caleb smiled.

"We wouldn't be together if I go there Caleb." Hanna said.

"How come?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Teachers wouldn't let us. Belive me. Once, Alison wanted to go to boys room, and teacher saw her, he called her parents."

"That's bad. I really wanted to go there with you." He sighed.

"Where are we going again?" Hanna asked.

"Paris. For a week."

"Paris?" Hanna widened her eyes.

"Yep. So you change your mind?" He grinned.

"Of course! I always wanted to go there." Hanna smiled.

"Great." He smiled.

They walked for few minutes, but then Hanna stopped.

"Caleb? Can we sat down somewhere? I can't walk anymore." Hanna moaned.

He laughed slightly, "Here is only park, with one bench Han."

"I don't mind." Hanna smiled.

"Okay." He replied, as they sat down on bench.

There was silence for some minutes.

"You are different." Caleb mumled out of blue

"What do you mean?"

"I will be totaly honset with you okay?" Caleb said and Hanna nodded.

"When I first got here, I heard about five beautiful girls, which were bitches and they were hurting everybody. Then I heard about Alison being dead, and I get to know Aria, Spencer and Emily. They all seem like normal girls. And I didn't belive what was people saying about them. But then, I met Lucas, and I talked with him. What Alison did to him....I started to hate these girls. But then you came, and I thought the same about you. That you are just snotty girl. And when the beautiul blonde girl came in the class, and I heard her name, I just wanted to keep distence from you. But then, I found out that you are so much more Han." Caleb smiled.

Hanna smiled as well, "Thank you. It's so nice."

"I just tell the truth. And people should know that too."

"I don't care about people." Hanna sighed.

"Okay....then you should know that about yourself."

Hanna looked up at him, "I know. I just have low opinion about myself."

"You shouldn't have. You are so beautiful from outside and from inside too." 

"You are so nice Caleb. Why don't you have a girlfriend?" 

Caleb widened his eyes, "What do you ask that?"

"I don't are nice, funny, handsome....." Hanna mumled.

Caleb grinned, "I don't need girlfriend...for now."

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