Chapter 1

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Welcome to the first chapter of this story, so while writing this I found this video so hope you enjoy. :3

*Ventus's POV*

I didn't know if it was destiny when I meet those two but I know something for sure, I probably wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them.

I couldn't even remember who I was before I meet them.

I was broken, and I don't even know why!

A hand waved up and down in front of my face, getting me out of my thoughts. A girl with short blue hair was staring at me, putting the hand that was just in my face on her hip. Her blue eyes had a tiny bit of worry. Aqua.

"Ven? You there?"

I blinked a couple times before jumping slightly. I forgot, I was walking with Terra and Aqua back to our rooms. I can't believe I zoned out!

"Huh? Oh, yeah! I'm here!" I said rubbing the back of my head sheepishly. The guy behind aqua chuckled a bit, and that happened to be my other best friend Terra.

Terra has brown hair that are vertical spikes and reaches all the way down to the base of his neck. He has blue eyes and tanish skin.

I playfully glared at him, well mostly playfully glared at him. Hey, the guy was sorta laughing at me for spacing out....again. So I might space out like 2 times a day but that should be normal for them!

Aqua gave off a tiny sigh and stood up straight, "God Ven, you're hopeless. No wonder Master gets mad at you for spacing out most of the time. It's annoying."

Okay so that might be true but some of the things he says is boring! Just skip all the light and darkness crap and just teach me how to use a keyblade already!

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

I looked at her, placing both hands on my hips. She laughed a bit, before ruffling my blond hair. She always does that for some reason, I don't know why.

"Just go back to spacing out, Ven."

" Aqua, leave the poor idiot alone," I heard Terra say jokingly. I turned towards him, looking straight into his blue eyes.

"Hey! I'm not stupid! You're the stupid one!"

He walked over to me and squatted a bit to be my height. Sure it was kind of embarrassing but right now I don't care. What really caught my attention was how close his face was, like seriously, don't you know something called personal space?!

I felt my face heat up a bit, and yet he was perfectly fine. He smirked, probably noticing the slight redness to my cheeks. Okay so I might not have been honest about just saying Terra was just my best friend. He is also my crush, so you can't really blame me.

"Okay well it's like 11 pm? I'm going to bed," Terra told us as he stood up and walks to his room. I watched him until the door closed. I looked back at aqua. She gave me a small smile before walking to her room which was right across from Terra's.

I was left there, in the dark hallway.

Finally after five minutes of just standing there, mindlessly staring at the hallway as it disappears in the the darkness, I walked to the room right next to Terra's and walked in.

In the room was a wooden desk with a chair, a small bed with a window right above it, some clothes throw across the room, and a bookshelf. Closing the door behind me, I kicked off my shoes and sat down on my bed, staring out the window.

The small cliffs and hills could be seen. The night sky's stars lit up the scenery. I watched the stars as I remembered what Terra told me about them. That every star is a different world, that our home is just a little piece of something bigger.

I wonder what the people in the other worlds are doing right now.

I laid down on the bed and felt my eyes close slowly until I was asleep.

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