Chapter 4

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*Ventus's Pov*

I opened my eyes and looked around at the room I was in. Okay, this was definitely not my happened?

I slightly shifted backwards to look behind me, only to be meet with Terra's face. FUCK! Quickly I got back to my previous position, hoping I didn't wake him up.

Why am I in his room?! Nothing happened last night! There was only thund- oh.

The god damn thunder made me walk into Terra's room. It's official....the world hates me.

One of Terra's arms that was wrapped around my waist, pulled me closer to him. His face now in my neck.

Okay.....maybe the world doesn't hate me. God world! Stop being so damn confusing! Do you hate me or not?!

See now, normally I would just stay here and enjoy the moment but we have class today. Which meant Aqua was gonna go into my room, see I'm not there, and run into Terra's saying I went missing or some shit.

I needed to wake Terra up and quickly go to my room before Aqua notices.

"Terra!" I said in a sorta whisper shout. Nothing. I did it again, and it was the same outcome. I could try shaking him...

I turned so that I was facing him. Oh god, I'm such a fucking idiot. My face was now pressed against his chest, which I felt the blood flow to my cheeks for that, and I couldn't move at all now.

This it it...

This is where I die....

I heard the door open. Yep I die here.

"Ven? Okay that's weird.....but sorta cute...."

Aqua had entered the room! Code red! Aqua is in the room! Hurry, play dead or something!

I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep, and that is harder than it sounds.

"Ven? Terra? One of you guys awake?"

Nope. Tooootally not. I'm just sleeping cause my very future depends on it. How's your fucking day?

I heard Aqua sigh. Oh no....she's gonna wake both of us up now....




Terra sat up, causing me to fall off the bed. Damnit I'm on the foor...without Terra....I hate you, you sabotaging motherfu-

"Ven? You okay? Sorry about that." Terra said, quickly pulling me up back onto the bed.

"Huh? Yeah no, I'm fine. I'm fine. My arm just hurts like hell is all."

"Oh no, do I need to carry you again?"

"What the fuck?! No! No Terra, you don't need to carry me like some-"

Aqua crossed her arms. "Okay love birds....get ready so we can get to class on time."

"Love birds?" I asked, slightly confused on why she would call us that.

"Aqua, there are times when I hate you, and then there are times when I really hate you."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2017 ⏰

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