Chapter 3

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Hey guys! Another chapter! :3
I would appreciate it if you told me what you think of  this so far, it would help me a lot! And I know it's shorter....sorry?

*Terra's POV*

We walked into the main room, the master waiting there, his arms crossed. He looked at Aqua, then me, and finally Ventus. He raised an eyebrow at me, probably wondering why I was carrying Ven.

"I didn't know that THE Princess Ven was coming to visit today," I heard him say. I snickered and Aqua was trying to hold in a laugh, though she was failing horribly.

"Why is everyone picking on me today?!"

"Because Ven, your adorable," I told him while setting him down and ruffling his hair. Damnit Aqua! You got me into ruffling his hair now!

Ven's face, which had just recently calmed down from me carrying him, was red again.  Seriously the slightest thing will get him embarrassed. I wonder why it's usually around me though.

The master cleared his throat to get our attention. Once we were all facing him and quiet he began teaching.

The rest of the day was sparing with our keyblades. Though we had to cut the sparing early considering it started storming. Once it did we all just went to the study room and talked.

"So...bummer that it started pouring huh." Aqua shifted in her seat, putting her head on her hand, which was on the table.

I shrugged and walked over to the window. A small flash of light appear in the the dark grey clouds and soon came a large boom sound....thunder.

Just as we all heard the thunder, Ven jumped a little from his seat.

"You okay Ven," I asked, watching him tense up a bit.

"Huh? Oh y-yeah, I'm fine."

He stuttered. He's not fine at all, but if I keep asking he'll just get annoyed so better to just let it be for now.

"Well it's getting late guys....want to call it a night?"

Ven nodded slightly and I just gave her a thumbs up. I really didn't care about this crap. We all got up and walked to our rooms. It wasn't long before I fell asleep.

*time skip till an hour*

See I'm usually a heavy sleeper but tonight I wasn't. There's a couple reasons. One, the god damn thunder was loud and wouldn't stop. Two, I heard my fucking door open so yeah.

Small quiet footsteps walked towards my bed, if this guy was trying to sneak he was failing horribly.

Just as I was about to jumps up, summon my keyblade, and attack whoever just broke into my room, I heard a quiet familiar voice.

"Terra? Are you awake?"

Was that Ven? Why would he walk into my room this late at night? I turned to face the door and sat up, looking into a dark figure.

I could straight away tell it was Ven, mostly because his blue eyes weren't hard to see in the dark. He walked closer, giving me a better look of his face.

"Ven, what do you want? It's the middle of the night?"

"W-Well see I-"

More thunder crashed and Ven jumped and whimpered a bit. Oh, he's afraid of thunder. That's why he jumped in the study room.

Sighing, I grabbed Ven by the arm and dragged him so he was laying on the bed with me. He looked at me, his eyes wide.


"I-I just didn't expect this...."

I smiled a bit, "Idiot."

Soon I fell asleep once again, but this time Ven was in my arms.

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