Even Yandere's need to LOVE

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Ted x Yandere! Reader

Dojo class, I'll skip! Another bye-bye-- years and a newbie at this girl-ninja thing
I skipped another martial arts class I didn't need to go, Ted wasn't in that class so it's useless. I walked down the halls 'I need to make sure Ted is in class' I thought walking faster, just the thought of him made my heart beat faster and my legs move rapidly.


Master, not a single thing makes SENSE in all of this, Yes!!! Yes!!!Mother always said this to me -Being a NINJA GIRL means you - can't be GIRLY!!! With that said my younger days were never EVER MUCH FUN
Now that I think about it, mom never did let me be a ''normal'' kid. She was always so strict but she was still kind and loving. My life was very boring back then...I didn't have any friends back then and I didn't really feel anything.

Then! Then! Then! A night's festivityNever had I seen a BOY as COOL as HE! RED, RED, RED! And DEEP inside of meIt beat you see and started TO BREAK FREE! Here we go! HEY!!!
My family went to a summer festival, it was at the firework ending that I saw Ted. I had never felt such passion, my face heated up as my heart beat increased by the milli-second. It was then that I knew I wanted to feel love...

I LOVE and wanna LOVE! But no! It's NOT ALLOWED! It's not FAIR! I don't CARE! Just LET ME DO WHAT I WANT! Stop this! AND quit that! You're making me freak out! You know what isn't COOL? All these stupid RULES! What to do with ME and YOU, to set this feeling FREE?This I think as I watch you from a hole SECRETLY, can I really hide inside and under LOCK AND KEY?Ninja girl I am though fall in LOVE with me!
Nana nanana nananananananana
1, 2, 3, 4
Nana nanana nananananananana
5, 6, 8, 10!
I had never wanted something so badly...if being a ''normal'' kid with feelings meant I get to love then, I wanted to be like a ''normal'' kid. I decided it was time to meet the love of my life so I went up to him

*one conversation im to lazy to write later*

His name is Tedrick aka Ted, a popular name...but when he said oh man was it dreamy

-----Flashback End-----

Peakin'? What, me? What 'cha saying?
15 years yet an obvious ninja girl.
If I keep this up I won't get any jobs anymore.
After learning Ted goes to my school and lives in my neighborhood I started stalking him. To make sure he's safe of course

"Hey hey~, gatekeeper have you been working out? Maybe open that big door there for little ol' me..God, why isn't it working!?" I can't even use this face for my own good...
Sometimes I would take pictures of him...I guess im not as good at that because he's caught a few times

Ted: "what are you doing??"

y/n: "I-I nothing"

A merchant's daughter, seeing me denied.
With a "my, my, my!" came running to my side.
(rival's name) "my my my, stalking Ted are we?...sorry sweetie but, he's mine! so BACK OFF"

Quietly, she whispered with a smile...
Oh, so that's why! We're rivals now, you and I!(1, 2, 3, 4!)
Y/n: never!!

I love and I want to love, but the foes are ever near!
Wanna dice through them all with a cut cut I'll be done!
"Stop this!" and "Quit that!" You're making me freak out!
You know what isn't cool? All these stupid rules!
What should I do, I can't be excused for feeling how I feel!
Bonsai tree I will be in just to watch you breathe!
Can I really hide inside and under lock and key?
Ninja girl I am though, fall in love with me!
Fall in love with me!
I officially hate r/n..she's such a prissy brat!! And she tries to take ted away from me!!! I will end her one day..wait what!?

Suddenly came a secret message written for me.
Wi-Widening i-in surprise, my eyes couldn't believe what it read.
I got a text from an unknown number...

Seek out and kill, he was my target like any other.
How could it be!? Why was it he? My mind was running wild with panic.
It was a picture of r/n trying to kiss Ted!!

What do I do? I never knew I'd ever have to pick or choose!
But if I faltered on the job, I knew that'd be my end!
Father, Mother, Finally know now!!!
What I really have to do...
Made up. My...
My head went down, then I noticed a shine...it was a knife. I knew I had to kill r/n or else Ted was lost forever. "I will kill r/n" I smiled, knowing I could do it

I love and want to love but, no, it's not allowed!
That's the fate that my life is destined to pursue!
"Stop this!" and "Quit that!" You're making me freak out!
You know what isn't cool? All these stupid rules!
I walked into school knife hidden...I asked r/n to meet with me in a secluded place..

Underneath the harvest moon, I know the time is soon!
Flipping walls, I appear and I'm here before you now!
O happy daggers I have hidden, set me free!
Ninja girl I am though!
Fall in love with me!
Fall in love with me!
Fall in love with me!
*stab, stab, stab* the only sound heard as r/n died...hahaha stupid thing didn't even scream ha, haha, hahaha, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA I did it!! Ted's mine

Ninja girl, time to love in the ninja way!
I confessed to ted and he accepted it. I can finally live happily ever after!!
Nananana nananana
(1, 2, 3, 4)
Nananana nananana

oh and they never found r/n!!! HA

How was that for a first one-shot, sucky right??

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