All aboard the pun train

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Noyoucanthavemyramen I gotta spam ya
Chibi-Hungary you too
I was hungary so I took your ramen and some turkey but it has to much Greece. A few hours later Iran into my mom on the way so I was Russian to get home and then my sister complained about losing the page of her book so I was like "Denmark the page next time" so after eating the ramen I decided to play fancy pants adventure world 3 so I asked my sister "if he's French does that make it Francey pants adventures" then we decide to have a dance Marathon and we were dancing to a French song so it was dubbed France France Revolution

The next day me and my friend amara were playing then my friend Jessica came up and way like "my cats in a tree can you two climb it" my being the 'nice' person I am I climbed the tree and I said "I drop the cat down American you catch it??" And she was like "yes"

The following day amara spained her ankle and I was like "just don't put any Prussia on it!"

The end

I just wanted my ramen friend and you guys to read the pun train

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