Entry 3

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I don't understand. I don't understand why I keep seeing her. She comes to me in dreams. She comes to me in the mirrors and I don't know what to do. I want her to leave me alone. She won't. I want her to go away. She won't. She calls to me in my room. “Emma”. She'll whisper that in my ear and I won't her to stop. I don't know how to get her to stop. She's driving me crazy.

She follows me everywhere. Every time I go somewhere I see her. I'm starting to get really scared. I feel like everywhere I go I'm being watched.

The other night when I was laying in my bed, I heard a knock at my closed bedroom door. I got up to open it and looked out at the hallway and there was no one there. I closed the door and turned around. When I turned around….she was standing there. Standing there just…...looking at me. I felt like she was looking through me. I screamed. When I did she disappeared. I started hyperventilating. My dad ran in. “Why the hell are you screaming?!” I could tell he was drunk. I opened my mouth then closed it. There was no point I figured. He would've just dismissed it as I was just seeing things. So….that's what I said. “I was just...umm…seeing things. Sorry if I woke you”. “It's fine, just go to bed” and with that he shut the door.

I went back to bed and tried to get some sleep. I woke up at around 2am to a strange footsteps. I peeked out of my covers and noticed that my bedroom door was wide open. I started to get up and shut it but I changed my mine when I heard the footsteps getting closer to my room. “Dad? Is that you?” The footsteps stopped. It sounded like whoever it was was inches from my door. “Dad?” The floor creaked then my door slammed shut. I started hyperventilating again. The footsteps were in my room now. I could heard them getting closer to my bed. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. I didn't know what to do. The footsteps stopped right beside me. I started shaking. All of sudden I heard a whisper. “Get. Rid. Of. Him.” I was shaking and breathing so hard I started to see stars. Those four words were the last thing I heard before I passed out. I'll finish the rest tomorrow.


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